Full moon

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   Tonight is the night of the full moon meaning the pack run. Every full moon everyone in the pack who is able to shift will run along side their alpha. Those who can't will stay back in the pack house where they are safe. My pack isn't large but it isn't small either, we have over a hundred wolves in my pack. Don't underestimate a pack my size, they are trained to be ruthless and show no mercy. 

    It is Friday so I won't be able to see my mate for two whole days! The thought of my mate being alone made me whimper. I don't like the idea of my mate not having any protection. I have no doubt that my little spitfire can protect herself but there is a constant worry sitting on my chest. After the stunt she pulled at school during the week, I had no doubt about her toughness. I still chuckle at the fright in Angela's eyes, I don't know what she did but she sure ran Angela off.

"What's on your mind sweetie, you've been whimpering like a puppy for a week now." Mom said rubbing my back with smile. I growled at mom. I'm not a puppy I'm an alpha! I pulled mom into my room closing the door. I began to pace thinking of ways to protect Star without freaking her out. 

  I can place guards around her house. No she'll notice that, too obvious. "It's my mate mom, she's home alone with no protection." I can feel my wolf ceasing up with worry, almost as if he is pacing. 

  Mom squealed hugging me tightly. "I knew it! What's she like? Is she a wolf? Oh I think I still have my wedding dress for her!" Oh my lord, this woman is crazy, she continues to talk adamantly while I silently nod and pretend to be listening. My mind is so focused on other things that I don't notice my mother sit down and pull me with her.

    "Mom!" I yelled cutting off her rant. "She's human mom."

   But moms face didn't falter instead it brightened even more. "That's great sweetie so what's the problem?"

   "Aiden is the problem." My fist clenched at the image of her pressed into his side. She is mine! Wait till I get my hands on Aiden he'll be sorry. Mom cocked her head, waiting for me to explain. "Aiden's all over her, he's  the only one she'll talk to." I feel angry when she wont even give me the time of day then suddenly very sad. An alpha without a mate is never complete. 

   I pouted reaching out for mom who held me in a comforting way. "Oh my big baby alpha son don't be wuss go win her over and stop crying to me." Mom scolded hitting my head. I told you this woman is batshit crazy. Fortunately for her, she knows I am a momma's boy. Any other person would be laying a pool of their own blood before they could even touch me.

  I winced, she has her wedding ring on. "Dad! Your wife is beating me up!" Mom continued hitting me as I heard footsteps pounding up the stairs. She mumbled something about knocking some sense into my airhead before dad walked in while pulling this crazy woman away me. Only a mere second away from pulling my hair right from my scalp.

    "Honey please stop beating our child, he's our only child left and I would like to keep him if you don't mind." Dad smirked at me pulling his wife out of the room. I felt my heart tug at the reminder of my elder sister being taken from us. My parents way of coping is making light of it and smothering me. Despite the smiles and jokes they put on, they are not fooling me. I hear my mother crying in the bathroom every night, I have to refrain from comforting her at times. They are struggling just as well as I am but they are strong, they will not admit the hurt they are feeling. 

  "Hey Dad!"

He peeked his head back in my room with raised brow. "I found my mate."

   He grinned pulling me into a bone crushing hug, literally. "That's great my boy have you marked her." He wiggled his brows with a smirk. Despite my face turning into a tomato I shook my head. My family are the only ones who have ever seen me vulnerable and It needs to stay that way. If the pack saw me as anything but strong and confident, they would think I am unfit to lead and that cannot happen. "She's human."

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