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"Xavier I'm a tiger shifter!"

Aiden ran in with eyes wide pulling me behind him not sure how Xavier will react. I had no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hurt me, he's my mate and I trust him. He hasn't shown me a sign not to trust him, besides hiding his identity as a shifter. But that is understandable, he has a duty to his people and they were here first.  Xavier's eyes were wide with surprise. His jaw touching the ground.

"Your a what?!"

Breathing deeply I start over. "Xavier I'm a werecat, I can shift into a white tiger."

Suddenly he roars reaching out for me but Aiden keeps me pinned to his back as he lets out a ferocious growl. Aiden is doing something completely against his character, he has a duty as beta and to follow his alpha's commands. The fact that he is defying his superior is serious. Xavier noticed this then narrows his eyes.

"Alpha calm down, she is still your mate." Aiden's grip on me didn't falter not even when Xavier was given back control.

    He held his arms out for me. I ran into his arms wanting to hold my mate. He buried his face in my neck inhaling my scent. The constant weight that I felt from hiding this secret, finally becomes less of a burden as I open up to my mate. "Show me." He murmured into my neck. His heavy breathing echoing in the tense air.

"Ok." I whispered hoarsely. I began to take off my shirt when I was smashed into a chest followed by a possessive growl. I was more relieved that Aiden was still alive after defying his Alpha who without a doubt would have killed him just to get to me. 

"Mine!" He glared at Aiden who sheepishly walked out of the room with his head bowed. Xavier picked me up and heaved me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing, taking us outside he set me on the ground gently. He nodded at me to continue once in the safety of my backyard.

Sheepishly I began to take off my clothes. "Um...Xavier could you.." his cheeks redden as he turned around. Quickly shifting I see my mate cringe as the thought of me being hurt sunk in as my bones cracked.

I was finished shifting but he still hadn't turned around. Whimpering I nudge him with my muzzle. He ran his hand through my soft coat, his eyes trailing my pattern in amazement.

    "Your beautiful my love. Unlike anything I've ever seen before." He buried his face deep within my fur earning a chuff from my mouth. "And your's so soft, like a cloud." He mumbled into my fur.

   We stayed like that until he lifts my giant tiger up and carries me to the house by my scruff where Aiden is stuffing his face with bacon. His eyes widened when he realized he's been caught. He holds his hands up defensively. "Star is not what it looks like...I was just sampling?"

    The lies scramble off of his tongue in a heap. I growl lowly, that bacon was for us to eat together. I look at something to hit him with since I'm still in tiger form. I see a glass of water on the table and smirk.

  I look at it then guys the glass with my eyes to Aiden. The water pours over Aiden drenching him from head to toe. Xavier is unable to hold in his laughter but stops when another glass pours on him. Strangled breaths leaving Aiden as he shakes the water out of his hair.

  "Haha very funny Star. Yes use a rare power to play pranks on innocent wolves." Ha joke of the century. Aiden is far from innocent, I let out a choked noise as I laugh which sounded weird coming from my tiger.

I walk upstairs to shift back leaving two the laughing men. I dress in a hoodie and shorts and head back down where the boys are on the sofa waiting for me. Xavier hands me a plate of pancakes and kisses the side of my head.

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now