Long live my Kitty

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"What are you doing!"

He looks like a deer caught in headlights as his eyes flickered to his hands then back to me. The red on his cheeks deepen before he smiled shyly. Who knew he'd be the one to end my precious life.

"Xavier explain." I huff crossing my arms over my chest. He sighs with a defeated look.

"I was making you chicken noodle soup." Confused, I look to the broccoli he was dangling over the silver pot. Unable to bite back the laughter I stand on my toes to snatch the stalk of broccoli from his hands.

"Sweetie you don't put broccoli in that kind of soup! What were you thinking?" My stomach twisted in pain as I laughed heavily. My eyes burn with unshed tears and my ribs begin to hurt from laughter.   "I just wanted to make you lunch." Sighing I stand up on my toes pressing a firm kiss to his lips.

   "You don't have to mate although I really appreciate you trying to make me lunch but you can't put broccoli or carrots in soup." I say looking into the pot that has some greenish looking slop.

  He crosses his arms defiantly. "And why not?"

   "Because I'm allergic to terrible food."

He growl wrinkling his nose. Before I can register what happens he has me over his shoulder and makes his way into the game room, tossing me on the couch.

  It was then that I knew I was in trouble.

Not even a second later he began his tickle attack on my innocent belly. "Xavier I'm sorry I didn't me-" I am cut off by the sound of my own and obnoxious laughter.

   On instinct my hands shoot out to his to stop his horrendous attack but only met with air. Fine if he wants to play dirty then let's play.

    Sticking my finger in my mouth I make sure to salivate all over it before I jammed it in his ear. He didn't have time to react before he jumped back screeching like a little girl. 

  "Starlet! That's is gross." Given the chance to run, I surely take it and sprint out the room to move forward with my plan. Don't start something you can't finish my love because I will definitely finish it. 

  "Aiden he's coming fire!" I shout hoping Aiden is around to take my heed.

  He peers around the corner and get ready to pull the rope. He hands me the other and pulls me behind the couch with him. "Are you ready for this lieutenant?" I ask him seriously.

  He salutes me with a determined look on his face. "Affirmative captain."

     "Good because here he comes."

Not a second goes by when Xavier's head peers around the corner. I tap Aiden's thigh and he pulls his rope. Slime covered Xavier's entire body staining his skin a light green. Maybe we used too much dye. His mouth drop in shock, he takes several steps forward and that when I pull my rope releasing the feathers that stuck to his body like second skin.

   "Aiden! Starlet!" Why does he assume we did it.

  Oh wait because we did.

  Our cover was blown immediately due to our laughter. "Please tell me you got that on video." I can't stop the obnoxious laughter that comes from my mouth when I see the predicament we put my mate in. He looks disgusting! 

   "Sure did Luna." He attempts to show me his phone, but the couch is ripped away exposing us to.

   "Do you think this is funny." He snarled. His face looks so ridiculous. Ridiculously hilarious.

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now