Close call

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  "Come on boy lets go for a run."

After getting into some of my clothes I shift into my tiger. My brilliant white fur shines as I take my stand at full length. Sunny stands close to six feet with her paws being abnormally large and muscles on her legs. She was always bragging about her muscles and took any chance she could to make fun of my 'noodle arms'. 

I didn't mind though, I knew it was all fun and games and not to mention we are one. Her form and my body are the same inside and out. Sunny beamed in happiness at her chance to finally be let out.

   Royal is next to me ready for a little race. He's not scared of me cause of how big I am, sometimes I shift and we just run around the house playing like to happy go puppies.  We get down into our running position and once I get to the count of three we take off. I go a little slow since Royal is only a pup but he keeps pace with me.

  After half an hour of us dodging trees and sticks we make it to a lake.

'Sunny are you there?'

"I'm here Star, don't you just love running."

My tiger sighs dreamily tipping in my head. 'Yes I couldn't agree more with you sunny.'

"Especially with royal, he's the best companion a girl could have."

' Sunny do you have a crush on Royal.'

She goes silent, I just love teasing sunny. It's no secret that cats and dog are supposed enemies, but not Sunny and Royal. They love to play cat and mouse around the house. Most shifters don't get along with their inner animals but sunny and I get along great. She's like my best friend. I sit next to Royal who comes over laying on top of me. We lay like that for a while until Royal jumps up hearing a small cry.

I sniff out a strange scent following it carefully with Royal next to me. What I see both shock and worries me. There is a little boy, who couldn't be over the age of 4, crying with blood on his shoulder. Crawling over to him on my belly, as a sign that I won't hurt him, he looks at me  and only cries harder.

I motion Royal who crawls over taking my place in front the boy. Royal nudges his hand which he uses to pet Royal. He is seen as less of a threat which instantly calms the boy.  "I-I'm lost. Someone tried to take me from my pack but mommy scare them away." He stuttered. I whimpered licking his tears away.

"M-My mommy is gone..." he starts crying again and the only thing I can do is lay by him. After a while his cries get quieter. He's sniffling now wiping his tears and snot away. "Do you know where the moonlight pack is?"

That's Xavier's pack.

I nudge him to get on but he's to short so Royal gives him a boost. We start running until we're right behind the pack house. While scoping out the pack I discovered some very interesting things, things my cover as a human make impossible to investigate. 

I make sure no ones sees before I quickly step out dropping the boy on the patio. I scratch on the door then take off to the forest. Royal and I wait until someone answers it. Of course it's Xavier with shorts on and water dripping from his hair.

My god what is this boy doing to me. Xavier seems to think I don't feel the sparks when we touch but since I'm a weretiger I feel them stronger than he does. "Theo? Where have you been and where's your mother?" So that's the boys name. Theo begins to cry again, Xavier's scoops him into his arms comforting the boy.

"S-She's g-gone." He sobs. "A tiger saved me."

This caught Xavier's attention. Theo points towards the wood in which Xavier takes careful steps towards the woods. I figured it was time to go so Royal and I took off. Not caring that sticks were snapping in the way. "Royal."

Unfortunately Xavier noticed Royal. I hid under a bush when he picked Royal up by the scruff of his neck. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Star?"

Royal whimpers looking at me. He's hurting him. Mate or not NO ONE touches my dog.

Growling I pounced on Xavier tackling him. His eyes widened. He began to shift when I carefully picked up Royal on my mouth and dash away with inhuman speed.

I used my power of telekinesis to knock down trees and slow him down. When I got to my back door I busted in quickly shifting and putting Royal in my room. I hurriedly took off my clothes stepping into a shower to act like I was there all along.

Right on cue I heard my back door bust open. Who does he think he is barging into my home! The nerve of him. I try not to let my anger get the best of me as I put on my poker face. "Star! Star are you okay?" My bathroom door was knocked open, I squealed covering my body. 

"What the hell Xavier!"

I covered my self with the shower curtain. Not that I have a huge ego or anything but wow am I good actress. He nervously rubbed his neck with a sheepish look. Xavier look completely embarrassed and this made me want to laugh but I kept my composure.

"Sorry I'll just wait out here."

Wrapping a towel around me, I stepped into my room where he was sitting on my bed the farthest from Royal. "Why are you looking at him like that?"

I tried to contain my laughter but it was dam near impossible from the skeptical looks he was giving him. Meanwhile Royal laid with his head on his paws, normal things dogs do although Xavier looked ready to lunge any minute. This made Sunny on edge as she readied for a fight if need be. 

"Star has Royal been here the whole time?"

"Yes of course. Why wouldn't he be?"

"Well I thought he was in the woods with this-never mind." Noticing the pointed look I gave him that showed I didn't believe him.

"So...what are you doing here, I miss you to Xavier but I have to get ready." He pouts, he looks so adorable with his jutted out lips and puppy eyes.

"But I wanted to see you." Smirking at him I wrap my arms around his waist in a bold move. "I'll see you after I get ready, a girl needs her time."

He sighed teasingly. "Fine I'll pick you up in an hour." 

He grinned at me hugging me once more before leaving. His scent rubbing off on me and mixing with mine.  I can't help but feel giddy as I smelled his delicious scent. "Dress casual!" He shouted excitedly.


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