You're mine!

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   "Where is Aiden! We must continue the search and he is nowhere to be found!" I shouted annoyed. Growls erupting from my chest. My fist slammed on the desk  snapping it in half.  I cursed running my fingers through my hair. "Warren order me a new desk. Mahogany." He nods taking out his iPhone.

   Aiden suddenly strolls into my office standing next to the other warriors. "Aiden where the hell have you been!" He had a casual smile on as if he didn't care about his missing Luna. Oh he'll care when I get my hands around his neck and snap it before he can even blink. 

  He showed his neck towards me. "My apologizes alpha, I've been a bit...busy this morning." A smile creeps on his face. Something's not right. I take a deep whiff smelling a familiar scent I've come to love. My warriors all eyes me skeptically as I sniffed Aiden carefully.

  "Aiden why do you smell like..." I sniff his clothes clothes again. Yep it's hers. It's Star's scent.

  I growled pushing him against the wall. "Alpha, beta Aiden didn't do-" Alex began but I roared silencing him. How dare he show up late and has the strong scent of my mate on him. If he hurt her I'm going to rip his spine out!

  "Where is my mate Aiden!"

He wheezed attempting to push me off. "I-I don't know..." My warriors all attempted to pry me off of their dying beta. Shrugging them off, I slammed my fist into his face. My wolf was angry, he wanted nothing more than to have our mate in his grubby paws.

"Leave him alone!" A feminine voice shouted. In came in yours truly my mate. She gave me a weak smile hugging my waist. Her face buried in my shirt.

I let go of Aiden hugging star as tightly as I could. "My goodness Star where have you been! Are you ok? Have you lost your mind? You could've got hurt!" I shouted frantically but star only looked at me blankly. She gave me an uneasy smile as her face suddenly clouded with confusion. Human, right.

  She didn't say anything only pull my face down for a kiss. I savored the taste of my mates lips, the way her tiny hands wrapped around me. The way her curvy body molded into mine perfectly. The heat that once plagued my body not settled as I enjoyed having my mate back in my arms. 

  "Ahem." A cough is what broke the moment I have been missing. Aiden sat crouched on the floor trying to catch his breath.

  Star looked at him worriedly, she bent down to help him up and that's when I noticed her attire. She wasn't wearing any pants and I doubt a shirt either. Only a hoodie and boxers that both belonged to Aiden!

   "Dammit Aiden! Where the hell is her clothes!" I snarl. Instead of saying anything, he snatches his arm from Star and storms out of my office while giving me a not so subtle dirty look.

   "It's not his fault Xavier. I came to him for help he didn't do anything!" Star frantically explained. Her adorable violet eyes capturing mine instantly making me numb.

    "Fine. I trust you Star and I trust that nothing happened between you both." I clenching my fist, the words struggling to come out. LIES'Stop lying to our mate!' 

'I am not lying, I just didn't tell her the whole truth.'

  She smiled at me showing two of the deepest dimples I've ever seen.  "Thank you Xavier." I grin taking her hand leading her out.

       "Everyone dismissed."

I mind link to my pack warriors. They all bow their heads. I lead Star to my room, closing and locking my door.

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now