They wanted war they got a massacre

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"Alpha Hunters on the northern border! It's an army!" Aiden runs in the room startling both Xavier and I from our sleep. Finally gathering what he said we both spring up throwing on some clothes. I look to the corner of the room where my Royal was still in his induced sleep and decided that he'd be safe in the walk in closet. I wheeled him into the closet and give him one final glance before turning to my mate. 

"Star if you are to fight I need you to stay by my side I wouldn't be able to focus knowing your in danger. First get the women and children to the safe house." He may seem like the a heartless Alpha, but the unshed tears in his eyes said otherwise. He was afraid. 

With no time to argue I nod grabbing his face kissing him passionately. "Xavier...." taking a deep breath I look into his emerald eyes and meaning everything I am about to say. "...I love you."

I am sure my heart stop waiting for a response. A heart stopping grin makes its way onto his face. "My Star I lo..."


Gunshots pulled us apart. My tiger whimpering from the distance between us. He gives me a pleading look. Kissing him one more time, I let tears fall down my face, the saltiness mixing in with the sweet taste of my mate. Please don't die.

"Go!" He nods giving me one more longing look before taking off with his warriors. Running into the pack house I gather as much people as I can.

"Come on everyone move faster." Picking up a few children in my arms, the designated warriors help me bound everyone into the safe house. Despite the cloud of darkness and doom that hangs over the pack, they remain calm as the women gather the children in an orderly fashion. My heart swells with pride for my pack. Well done mate. 

Running deeper into the forest I find the patch of grass that has an unnoticeable latch. Pulling it up I beckon one of the warriors to go down to make sure is safe. "All clear Luna send them down." I began quickly helping everyone down.

"You guys finish up here I must find my mate. I need three warriors inside and the rest of you out here keeping a look out." I order.

"Yes Luna."

I run off shifting into my tiger mid step. 'Okay Sunny do your thing.' Soon I feel her take over my thoughts now turning deadly. All that running through my head is find mate, protect mate.

Sunny is running at inhumane speed, trees blur by in different shades of green. Halting to a stop she sniffs the air catching the scent of something she dreaded the most. Please no--let him be okay.


The scent of blood inhaling my senses. Whimpering, I pray my mate is okay. I pick up my pace then skid to a halt when I see a sight that crushes my heart. Many hunters lay dead none of my pack dead but many injured. Although, judging by their heart rates, they are getting there. 

Xavier stands in the middle fighting a hunter who is on his knees. Just as Xavier is going to rip his throat out another hunter is behind him with a gun pointed at my mate. Not on my watch fuckers!

Not thinking before I act I let out the loudest roar I have ever done before a bright light surrounds the field.

I see red.

Leaping into action I pounce on the hunter ripping the gun out his hand. I clamp the gun in my jaws the pieces of metal falling on the ground. My teeth snarled as I turn to the hunter. Looking down at his body I lift my large paw and bring it down to his head crushing his head under my enormous paw. Blood oozing on my fur staining it crimson. I growl looking around for any more sign of the hunters but they are all dead.

Spare me alpha [COMPLETED][REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now