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𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Criss, a close friend of Leo joined Mikey on the couch downstairs where he had his time of silence. But it is broken. "How are you holding up?" Criss asked him.

"I'm okay. I've just been extra quiet." Mikey tells Criss. "Sitting and thinking."


"Leo looking for Raph and the other people. I hope everyone out there is safe."

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be back. If you haven't noticed, Leo is one of the toughest guys I've seen. Your brother is a true leader to his family."

"Yeah, but, a while back he said I may become the leader if he gets taken out of this world. What will I do?" Mikey was scared of that thought. "I know I have to do my best at living." THen, he hanged the subject. "I have a question."

"I have an answer," Criss said.

"W-What were you like before all this?"

Criss sighs. "Well, I wasn't at all very violent. I went to school every day, had many hobbies. I was respectful, active, and Adrien played with me at this age. But now I'm not... really the same anymore."

"I loved annoying my brothers... I was a jokester, too. The day the world ended, I lost my fun side." Mike moped, knowing its heartbreaking for him to accept the changes in his life.

"We all changed..." Criss nodded. "We could have chosen to remain the same, but had no choice but to fight for our lives."

Mikey thought it made sense when Criss explained how she felt about changes. Both teenagers missed their real personalities. Even if these two friends didn't know each other very well, they absolutely understood they were on the same page. A girl who is not scared of anything can relate to Mikey because she used to be like him... Being a playful person until you have to change into someone you thought you couldn't be.


Raphael walked up to the gates of Hopeswell with Clementine limping next to him. He knocked three times n the steel surface. Clem didn't have a look of excitement or relief for being back at Hopeswell.

"You good?" Raphael asked her.

"Yeah." She muttered, earing the gates begin to open up. But Raph and Clem smirked when they saw Luke greeting them.

"Clem! Raph!" He exclaimed. "You guys are okay."

"Hey, Luke." Clem smiled at him. "Where's Emma?"

"Inside the clinic. She'll be thrilled to see you. We'll get you fixed up. Casey-- wait, where is Casey?"

"I don't know." Clem shrugged at Luke. "We saw a deer by I twisted my ankle, so we abandoned the hunt. Raphael found me and brought me back. I never said thank you." She looks up at the red masked turtle.

"No problem." Raph nodded to her. "I'll go back out and find Casey. Patience, too."

"I wouldn't," Luke said. "Leo is already out there looking for you, but you're here. Bebop, Kitty, and Rock are with him."

"But I need to find them before--"

"Kri went down in the house, Raph. Emma came back and gave me the news." Luke finally said something to make Raph stay here.

"W-What?" Raph stuttered.

"She had a miscarriage," Luke says.

Raphael left Clementine with Luke before running back to the house where his girlfriend waited for him in a bed.


Regan and Faith look high and low at the two semi-trailers blocking the backside of Hopeswell. Somehow the thought of something being inside the trailer crossed their minds. Regan has always been a very curious teenager who could be quite nosey. Faith was sort of the same way but she preferred to let things be alone.

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