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𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I have NEVER experienced this much pain in my life! I just got SHOT maybe two hours ago and now my right hand is missing because of a monstrous Clicker! It was maybe a few minutes until I regained consciousness and found that my hand was really missing. This is real!

Mikey poured a bottle of rubbing alcohol on my new stump, causing me to scream into my free arm. Duke held the dog's collar in place as Shado told me to breathe in so she can start wrapping up my bloody injury.

That hurt me the most. The wraps being pressed against my raw flesh-- f*ck! I pulled through when Mikey reached into his pack to give me the best painkillers he had. My reward after being treated in the worst way is a good hour of sleep. Luckily, I didn't catch a fever or show signs of turning on my group.

Regan drove the truck slowly on a long road at a slow pace of maybe seven to ten miles an hour until our ride died. "Now what?" I said, breathing through the throbbing sensation in my stump. I swear it feels like my hand is still attached to me but in a ghost form.

The girl with a sniper rifle came out of the truck, stuck her thumbs in her pant pockets, and gestured her head to get out. "We got no gas, guys. Leonardo has that siphoning tube in his pack..."

Michelangelo groaned and hopped out, helping Shado and her dog. Shado's dog was instantly dragging its nose along the ground to find anything that interests it. Duke gave me a helping hand as I held my wrapped-up arm close to my chest.

Mikey looked down the road we covered with the vehicle and then the path ahead that we were supposed to cover. "Great. We're in the middle of nowhere..."

I glanced at the sky's glorious colors. "Sun's goin' down. I'd say about five or six o'clock."

"We better stay here tonight in the truck."

"Stay where?" Shado says. "Why can't we walk further and find a house?"

Regan sighed at the new girl with a head full of dark black hair. "Have you walked out here during the night, chica?"

The girl shook her head in response. "No."

Reg sees that this fourteen-year-old doesn't think until someone tells her the reality of things like being stalked by the dead. "Infected will be happy to see you roaming around out here." Regan paused. "Vv and Duke stay in the truck tonight. Vincent's stump can be detected by those bloodthirsty things."

I agreed to sleep inside the truck with Duke as the other four including the dog slept in the back. Mikey had a blanket on his pack, and Regan took that and built a small fort. They found some heavy rocks that could be used to keep the blanket from slipping off the roof.

Shado guided her dog into the truck fort, then, Regan and Mikey join in and wait for the sun to go down for the night. It's all we could do at this point.


𝐂𝐥𝐞𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

The two men talked to each other while walking me into a building that hasn't been used in forever. My gosh, when they shut the door and locked it, I knew exactly what was about to go down. Like... they were gonna-- But I was not going to let that happen. That's when I sounded it off.

I pulled a switchblade from my belt loops, flicked it open, and impaled the first man in his throat. He grunted weakly while his knees buckle.

The other crazy guy grabbed me from behind and put in his best effort to get me in a strangling hold so I can pass out. I wiggle and squirm and elbow his lip-- he let go. Right away, I swiveled my body toward him and unleashed fire from my palms, roasting his face. I haven't used my powers in a long time, but they were useful.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 3: Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now