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𝐊𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

The moment I heard Osa had been taken away by a mysterious person in the woods, I wanted to help her. I may be weak with a little person growing inside of me, but I will gain the energy to go out there and look for my friend. "Faith, are you sure?" I tried sitting up from the forest bed Raph had made.

"I'm sure. Someone else's scent was right on top of hers. I didn't recognize it." The girl told us.

After hearing Osa's disappearance, it was enough for Kitty to speak out after a while. "We'll find her. Whoever took her will think twice next time."

"We need to go, Raph," I say to him. He was already preparing to leave this little campsite we made. He killed the fire by throwing some dirt on it and began packing his things into his oversized backpack. As soon as we were packed up, Raphael lifts me into his arms. "Faith." I say.

She looked up. "Yes?"

"Where is the spot you were at?"

"This way." She pointed in the direction. "Let's go."

Just before we were going to head off and find Osa in the woods, a few familiar voices caught us. "Now where are you guys headed off to?"

We all turn around and see that Leonardo, Criss, Patience, and Clementine are healthy as an average herd of cattle.


𝐋𝐞𝗼'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"Now where are you guys headed off to?" I asked my brother holding Kri in his arms. Geez, after five weeks of not seeing each other, we thought this as a real treat to be seeing one another again. I seriously can't describe how much I missed Raphael. He and I have our differences, but family is forever. But it seems like everyone is in the same condition as before... Well... "Where's Osa? Wasn't she with you? And Rocksteady?" I asked Raph.

"Leo," Raph began, exchanging glances with Kitty and Faith. It looks like he wasn't sure if he should tell me what was going on. But he knows me very well. I need to hear everything whether I like it or not. "Osa's gone missing and we lost Rock a while ago..."

Oh, well, sh*t! This day went from average to bad. Just hearing that one of my closest friends" had gone missing threw me back to when Donnie went missing. Even Rocksteady's death affected me a little bit. "How?"

"Someone took her," Raphael says.

Now, this is much different. Donatello went MIA but Osa was snatched by a complete stranger. But my question is: why did Raphael let her go out by herself in the place?

"You let her go alone?" My tone went from calm to aggressive, walking up to my brother.

Raphael held his ground, returning the behavior toward me. "Cool it, Leo! I assumed Osa needed a walk so I let her go! I didn't think she would be kidnapped! Yes, I am aware of the dangers out there, but I can't just keep people in one spot if they don't want to."

To be honest, I think Raph and his little group got too comfortable out here in the woods. He let his guard down and so did Osa. In the end result, Osa gets taken away. "Great..." I sighed. This is just great. No one says anything while I have a small breakdown inside my head. This is all becoming so stressful and I have to go through it if I want my family safe.

"Look," Faith says, making each one of us look at her. "I hate to break this little family reunion, but if we don't get going soon, we won't find Osa."

She's right. We better get going.


𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I can clearly remember the alls and what they were like. During my high school days-- which came to an end-- I would always hang out in a place like this with my friend and family. As we look around this abandoned place, I turn around and tell my other three friends of an idea I had. "Alright, everything seems to be good so far. I think we should split into two-man teams."

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 3: Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now