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𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟽
𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I was the first one to be up bright and early, yawning widely from a great sleep but then to see Mikey and Regan have disappeared without a trace... well, not really.

Leonardo crumbled Mikey's handwritten note in his right hand as he got up from his blankets and began pacing. For someone who just lost his arm, he's doing pretty well.

As soon as Leo was awake, everyone else began wondering where two of our people had gone. Kristen groaned as she sat up from the couch. "What's going on?" She asked, hugging the blanket to her body.

"Mikey and Regan are gone." Patience answered. "They left."

Leo growled in frustration. "When I talked to Mikey about becoming leader one day it didn't mean to run away and become one!" He rubbed his eyes with his right and only hand, rubbing away tears that threaten to fall.

Vv adjusted her bow on her back and takes a step forward. "Should we go after them?" She asked.

I quickly respond. "No. They could be miles away by now. We won't catch up unless they're hurt or... But it's Leo's decision." I looked at Leo. "What do you suggest we do?"

"You're right about one thing: they are probably miles away," Leo said, glancing at the piece of paper in his hand. He chucks it to the floor and it rolled by Clementine's feet. "I have a feeling I triggered he and Regan's runaway."

Duke raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"I uh, well..." The leader stops his jagged sentence to make a straight one. "This notebook." He turned to his blankets and dug through until the object was found in his hand. Leo stood tall, presenting the little object in his hand. "There is a note on this. It's Donnie's handwriting." He tossed it to Raph.

Raphael flipped through the pages and read the back of the notebook. Shaking his head, Raph says, "This could be months old, Leo. You know how far Pittsburgh is? That's too far for Kristen even if it seems like two steps away." He gestured his hand to the outside then passed the book around for us to read.

"I know." Leo nodded, putting his hand on his hip. "This is maybe the first time where I have no idea what to do."

"Do what? Go to Pittsburgh or stay in the area?" Raph questioned.

"That's what I'm trying to decide. It isn't fair to Kri if we dragged her over there."

"Guys, it wouldn't hurt to try..." Kri says from the couch.

"Not happening," Raph said, hearing Kitty speak out.

"Do you think Mikey and Regan found this and are heading there right now?" This question made everyone think differently.

A suturing needle can be dropped and everyone would hear it.

"Maybe." Says Casey. "What is in Pittsburgh? A zone, supplies, people?" He put his cold, sweaty hands inside his pockets.

"I don't know." Leo was getting frustrated at the questions people asked. "I-I dunno what's in Pittsburgh. For all I know there is infected in that area."

"So, what's your plan?" Faith raised both eyebrows to show it is a serious question.

Leo should find an answer to it. He blew out a hot breath. "Pittsburgh is far. It could be a month-long journey. But I do have an idea for those who want to go. Raise your hands."

Looking around, I see that Kitty, Rock, Raph, Casey, Faith, Vv, Duke, Kri, and myself let our choices be known. Patience, Criss, Leo, and Clem, kept all hands down at their sides.

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