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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"Hello? Anybody there? My name is Duke and I'm searching for any survivors." The voice finally came in clear as he spoke more.

Leonardo doesn't know what to do on this one. A voice on the other end of the radio is a relief, but also could be a threat. This guy can be anywhere. The stranger might have a ton of guns, live in a military camp, far away, a danger, Leo is debating if he should answer.

"You answer, there's no going back, Leo." Said Raphael.

Leo nodded clenching his teeth and shutting a pair of blue eyes. He holds down the button to greet the lost voice. "Hello?"

The chance of not having to worry is gone.


Meanwhile across the town, two teenagers were setting up their little camp for the night. The girl was unrolling a few blankets on the floor while the boy was turning the knobs on the radio he found. He was hoping to hear some other sound besides static. The young man that goes by the name of Duke watched his girlfriend get comfortable on the floor, and he still tampered with the glitching device in front of him. "Come on..." He played with the dials of the radio.

Vincent, the girl, propped herself up on the floor with her elbow. "Duke, let's nap. You've been playing with that thing since you found it."

"Babe," Duke says, looking at her. "We have to see if there are any survivors out there." He explained, still playing with the dusty radio.

The dark-haired girl sighed at her boyfriend. "I know. But you also need your sleep. That radio will still be here tomorrow."

Duke ignored Vv and kept working on his little toy. He was determined to find a group or a community. He wished that he and his girlfriend had some kind of protection. "Hello?" He says into the microphone. "Anyone there?"

"Ugh..." Vincent rolled her eyes, laying back on the blanket. She turned over and her back was facing her boyfriend.

Duke tried and tried. As soon as he adjusted the frequency, he heard something on the other end. "Anyone? Anyone there? Hello?" He paused, looking at his girlfriend. "My name is Duke Brooks and I'm searching for survivors."

Vv heard something, too. She sat up slowly, listening for anything that might come through.

Duke kept talking into the unknown noises. "Hello? Anybody there? My name is Duke and I'm searching for any survivors."

It took about ten seconds for the new voice to respond to Duke's call for help. "Hello?" It said, sounding nervous. Vincent was just as shocked as Duke when they heard the new voice.

Duke smiled as he replied to the unknown voice. "Hello? Oh, wow. It's so good to hear someone's voice. I've been trying to --"

"Slow down." It told him, making Duke stop talking.

Vv shuffled next to Duke, listening to the new voice. She looks at her boyfriend with great concern. "We need to know if they're close. They could be a threat."

Then, suddenly, "This is Faith Charity. Who am I speaking with?" This was a different voice. That must mean there are more of them.

"There's more than one of them," Vincent said.

"This is Duke Brooks. I can't believe it. A voice!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm surprised, too." Faith chuckled on the other side of the radio.

"I heard a guy is with you," Duke added. "Two of you, right?"

"Yes." The girl on the other end said. "Who else is there?"

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 3: Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now