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𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

The storm has been going on for hours and I anchor my hands to the old purple mask as I listen to the spooky noises from outside. But the more we heard these things happening outside of the home, we got used to its presence.

Kristen is tossing and turning next to Raphael, and the noise from the weather was not making things any better. Right next to her, Raph is guarding her at all times, like someone was going to take her. He's like a giant keeping his precious cargo safe, which he is.

As Clementine laid on her blankets, she fiddled with the heart-shaped necklace around her neck. I could tell she was thinking of her past because every once in a while, a warm tear would stream down her face. She must have gone through a bunch if she is thinking about her past this often.

And the rest of the group were asleep against the walls hugging blankets and backpacks as pillows.

Sighing, I turn over and face the window where I got to watch the rain and hail patter the glass roughly.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

On and on and never stopping and it seems like it isn't going to slow down... Time passed by quick enough to have me notice Clem and Kri went into their slumber.

Clicking the top of the watch on my wrist, the time read 12:23 am.

𝙼𝙰𝚈 𝟸𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟽

In a flash, the sunlight was coming through the window. I flip the top over the bright light and sit up in my blankets, feeling the dark room surround me, only I didn't see pitch black unless I wanted to.

Black and white images are what I see.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The water from the harsh weather wanders off of the house roof, dripping off the sides of the houses and landing on the ground. Then, the more I listened to the rain, I began hearing things again. But this time, I swear it was there. Once a thunderclap crashed in the sky, I heard a young voice cry out in the forest by this small neighborhood. I shop up from my bed, recognizing those vocals. "Donnie?" I said, blinking out of my thoughts. That couldn't be him... He's gone.

Slowly getting to my flesh leg and artificial leg, I walked to the door, setting my hand on the doorknob while everyone was still asleep. After I entered the outside, the rain began to recnhed my shoulders ns hair, covering my glasses in water droplets. All I see is a screen of rain in front of me, the lightning brightening my path every few seconds.

Staring into the rain screen, I heard that same haunting cry again. Not thinking about it, I sprint between the houses and into some oak trees, covering portions of the ground. The screams I heard were echoing nd bouncing off of the trees, confusing me very quickly.

The cry is on my right. No. My left. Ahead of me?

These cries of help sound just --just like him. Replicating a repeating parrot.

I was so tired, the next time I heard 'Donnie's' yells, it had a gutteral sound to it and I didnt notice. But it feels like the calls are being pulled farther away from me. No matter how close I'm getting, it's like he's running away. That's when I stop and take a second to pinpoint where the scream is coming from. Closing my eyes and feeling the earth under my feet, smelling the rain, tasting my surroundings, hearing the small sounds and snapping my head to my southwest side.

A black figure screaming as it hit his head against a tree. "Don?" I begin walking for it, not paying attention to its behavior.

Then, a voice I know surprised me. "No!" Her hands grabbed me, pulling my body behind tree.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 3: Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now