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X Ambassadors- Torches


𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Raphael just watched a portion of his group head to Tobias' house. But he had no interest in that. He needed to find Kristen inside the house. He called out her name. "Kristen! Kri? You up here?" In one step, he entered the bedroom and his significant other sits in her bed, shaking and crying. "I'm right here," Raph told her.

"Don't! Don't... come any closer." She sobs. Raphis very confused, but he walks closer to his girlfriend. Again, Kristen yelled at him. "Raph, I said stop!"

"Kristen?" Raph says.

"She said stop, Raphael." A male voice says. He came out of the closet, looking at Raphael with a nasty smirk. It was David. He had a blade in his hands, holding it with his vile, filthy, hands.

"David," Raph said. "What are you doing here?" He was getting nervous. When he saw the knife in his hand, he had a feeling that this won't be a friendly conversation. Raph has dealt with men like David; mysterious and crude. But he's never come face to face with someone when it came to a girl he loves.

David answers Raphael. "Oh," He says, sitting down on the bed, the knife still in his grip. He looks at Kristen shaking in fear. "Would you like to tell him, Kristen? Tell him why."

Kri holds the blankets close to her chest for comfort before looking at Raphael. "David is here to--" She cried, her cheeks burning bright red.

"I'm sorry, he can't hear you, Kristen. Speak up!" David raised his voice at her. His eyes were full of hate, full of rage, and killer behavior.

"To kill me."


The silence is deafening in the woods. Rock and Kity stood motionless by Bebop's body which lays dead in a pool of his own blood. Leo allowed the warthog mutant to slowly pass away. He didn't want this for Bebop, but he granted his friend's wish.

Before Bebop passed away, he was able to feel his spirit be lifted from his infected body. It's like he's flying and being weightless and the world around him faded into beautiful clouds. He saw someone up there, in a place where there is no cruelty. Splinter and Stan were walking up to the hog with pure happiness.

Rocksteady held his big friend, looking at his lifeless eyes which had stayed open. "Say hello to Splinter and Stan for us?" Rocksteady asked quietly, closing Bebop's eyelids.

On the ground, when he took his final breath, Leonardo closed his eyes. He took out his katana from behind his shell, and the long blade sheathed. "He's gone," Leo says lowly.


The House

"David, back away from her." Raph put his hand out. "Please." he is doing his absolute best to keep calm or else he might trigger David to do something stupid. Worse than what he is doing.

"Can't do that," David replied, walking Kri's side of the bed with his knife. "She's sick."

"No, she isn't. She's recovering from a miscarriage." The mutant turtle lied. He hoped that David would buy his bluff.

"That's too bad. But unfortunately, I'm gonna have to take her off your hands." David told Raph.

"No, don't!" The mutant called.

"Kri!" Mikey shouts from the stairway with a small piece of his family following behind him. It sounded like a herd of elephants when they came through the door and see who is inside.

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