Heart of glass.

646 31 9

Once again, Mahiru finds himself in Kuro's house along with Hyde and Licht. Who were talking about how pointless it was to go to school today when nothing really happened. Despite them being paired up in the opening Theater club that started today, Hyde being the poet while Licht is the pianist who will play songs that matches the play.

Kuro admitted that he didn't know what club he wanted to be in, Mahiru sat in silence as the two brothers and friend talked among themselves. It was peaceful, watching Kuro so carefree in his home was like watching a child in the candy store. Was that right? With another look, he concludes that Kuro looks more like a parent in the candy store, watching after his family. So protective....

"How about it Mahiru-chan?~ Does it seem like a good idea?" Hyde asked, Mahiru blinked once, twice and realized that he hasn't been paying attention. All three were looking at him for some type of answer. Oh god, what did he get himself into? "U-Uh..I'm sorry? What was it again?" Mahiru shies, glancing to Kuro, then back to Hyde. Who grins at him like he said something funny. Mahiru opened his mouth to ask why he's grinning like that for, but Hyde takes over and points to his sibling. "We were thinking he should enter the self defence club! Not as a student, but as a teacher. Since we were all taught to fight at a young age, so he should teach others to use the same skills he has to keep themselves safe!" Hyde grins wider, looking over to his sibling, who's just done with the conversation. Already preparing to make dinner for the four of them. "W-Well, I think that's a great idea! I mean, like there are some people who might need it to stand up for themselves if they get bullied in some way, or maybe defend themselves in another way! You should do it Kuro!" Mahiru exclaimed with excitement, he honestly wanted to see how good the eldest was. But before Mahiru could ask, Hyde already knew what he was thinking and pulled out a small pocket knife from his sock and flung it at the eldest sibling with his back turned! Mahiru got up to warn him, but stopped as he watches Kuro catch the hilt of the weapon without any effort. Turning to face Hyde with a stone hard glare. Stabbing the pocket knife into the cutting board. He's not giving the weapon back, there will be sacrifices and Hyde will have to learn not to throw dangerous object in the house. No matter if he could catch them as easily as he demonstrated just a second ago. Mahiru was left speechless and Hyde was honestly terrified as Kuro stomped over to him with a kitchen knife, eyes locked on his victim.

Hyde let out a yelp as Kuro drags his sorry ass into the kitchen, closing the door so the other two wouldn't see what he was about to do to his fifth sibling. Now Mahiru is hesitant to mess with Kuro if he looks like he could kill him in one blow.


It was quiet on the other side of the kitchen for awhile, there was some scolding and Hyde's loud whines in the beginning until all became silent. Mahiru thought Hyde was dead at this point, even Licht stared at the door in worry and fear, probably fearing Kuro's wrath if he and Hyde had worse arguments than what they've been having. Until they heard Hyde's laughter burst from the kitchen, begging and pleading for Kuro to stop. Was...Kuro tickling him? Mahiru blinked as he heard Kuro's soft and drowned out voice continuing to scold Hyde about messing with him and throwing dangerous things when his back is turned. Hyde kept apologizing through bursts of giggles and gasps for breath. Mahiru starts chuckling to himself, wondering how the whole scene would look like right now, he would believe the scene would look cute. Brother bonding could be very adorable at times.

Licht grins to himself, getting up and entering the kitchen. Hyde gasps out and complains about Licht entering during an embarrassing moment between him and Kuro, but those complaints die as he is tickled once again by his sibling. Telling him that he shouldn't be embarrassed and to "Be a man!" when they're bonding. Mahiru takes this time to also stalk silently into the kitchen as well, spotting Hyde on the floor against the bottom cabinets with Kuro between his legs, running his delicate fingers along his brother's ribs, squeezing his sides to listen to the loud yells the other lets out. Licht was bending over beside the younger brother with a smirk, seemly wanting to join in the tickle fest. They didn't see Mahiru standing behind them with a fond smile on his face.

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