Fights and secrets~

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Now that the three left, all there was left were the siblings; cleaning up from breakfast.

"Oh! You know, now that reminds me. I never told you what the job is about." Roku starts up, startling the Eldest for a moment as he washed the dishes that were left behind. "Huh? Ah, yeah you're right. What is it exactly? It sounds real shady when you were telling me yesterday." Kuro implored, handing the wet plate for Roku to dry. "Well, you see, we are an informant agency~ That is why it's as shady as you thought, you must be thinking 'why the hell is my brother getting into some shady shit?' Well, let me tell you this, I got into some trouble with the law and I agreed that if I work as an informant, I wouldn't do time in jail-"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me Thorin? I could've helped defend you, that's my job you know." Kuro cuts off angrily, but Roku paid no mind to it. "This is the exact reason I didn't tell you, you would get mad, Theodore." He bit back, but there was no malice in his voice. "I was worried about your condition to fly all the way back to London to save my ass, I'm a big boy now y'know. I want you to be able to rely in me if you need anything, you have been protecting me and saving me ever since we were little, I want to stand on my own and be your rock too big brother. And besides, I wasn't entirely alone. Gear helped me, he's still mad at you for leaving us though, but I'm sure there was no choice, you should come home, just for a little while." Roku adds, sighing as he sets the dry plate into the cabinet. He didn't turn to see that Kuro was still mad, but he understood the reason why. Not knowing your sibling would've been incarcerated without knowledge of the crime would make anyone angry, more so when the sibling is your only bloodline left.

Sighing out as well, Kuro looked back to the bubbly sink, working on the next plate. "Usually I would gripe at you for using my real name here, am mad, but yeah you're right. My bad, but It's just, I don't want to lose you too. Losing Mom and then our grandparents kinda...y'know wasn't that great for us....I still could've done something, to break you out or to help you in your defense and stuff, being an informant is really dangerous, and I'm not saying you can't handle it, you can handle a lot of things, but I wouldn't want to lose my only true family from a job that goes wrong. Usually people would tell you 'you're too young for that kind of job.' But for me, you are well old enough. If I'm going to be helping you with it, I want to be the one going out on those dangerous jobs-"


"No buts, Thorin. I mean it. I'm stronger than I look, even if I have this damned curse of a condition, I can still do things on my own. I can defend myself, you just give me the orders and I'll go." Kuro dealt out, looking at Roku with such a serious look that Roku wished he didn't rope him into his work. "But what if you get shot?" Roku tried to argue, but was cut down. "It's not like I haven't in the past. I can handle being shot, you know."

"Do they know about that?" Roku asked in a small voice, scared to even mention it, although, Kuro seemed to be relaxed enough to talk about their past. "No, I don't plan on telling them everything. They now know I'm from London, but they don't know everything just yet and I'm not planning on telling them. Luckily Mahiru didn't even notice the scar, but I can't think for a second that one day, he'll see it and ask so many exhausting questions about it. So I might have to tell him at least, but then again....It won't be fair that the other two wouldn't know that I was shot when I was younger." Kuro grunts out, handing the next plate to Roku to dry. "Well true....but that shot could've killed really didn't have to jump in front of-"

"Shut up." Kuro cuts him off, gripping the soapy sponge so hard that his knuckles turned white.

So much for him being relaxed.

"I'm so-"

"I said shut up, Thorin." Kuro ordered him, turning his body to grab his brother's collar with both hands and pushing him against the counter. "You really think that I cared if I died for you that day!? Do you really think I don't think about how I could've fucking lost you?! Do you really think I would've let you take a shot like that?! That could've killed you as well? You must be insane, Thorin. Truly fucking insane. I took the shot because I did it for me, as well as for you. One of us should've lived, I surely didn't want to feel so damn numb anymore. Surely you felt the same. I didn't take that shot thinking I could die, rather, I took that shot hoping I would die. But no, here I am yelling at you because I'm alive and you're in some deep shit trouble that could get you killed!"

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