Moving In! [Part 1]

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"How about you move in with us?"

Mahiru was stunned, he couldn't believe that he was being asked such a question, it's been a few years living on his own and he dearly wished for someone or something to accompany him in his home, to make it feel less lonely. He wants to say yes, but...will it be the right choice? Would he become a burden?

"I mean, you're practically here all the time now even if it's been like...three or four days? I don't see why you can't move in, Big brother is right, move in with us~" Hyde tried to convince him with a grin over at the contemplating boy. "Agreed, he's still an angel in training, him moving in will be a perfect opportunity to make him a full angel." Licht nodded as he looked over to Mahiru as well. Mahiru stared at them for a moment, thinking about it. If they don't mind it, then maybe he should, right? Plus, he and Kuro could become closer as well and that's all he really wanted to begin with. "If you guys are fine with it....then I guess it's rude to say no. So okay! Thinking simply, I'll move in and help you three around the house! It's the least I could do while Kuro is recovering!" Mahiru decided with a large grin on his face, getting all three smiles from the others, Hyde giving the biggest. "Great! We'll stop by your apartment and help you pack up your things!~ So exciting!~" Hyde grinned at the thought, already heading upstairs to get dressed to head out.

Kuro on the other hand stayed where he was at, watching Hyde drag the Angel up to join him. The thought of it, of Mahiru moving just felt right, like Mahiru belonged here with them, with him. He had found someone who wouldn't judge him on his mistakes, on his past, but rather help him try to recover from all of it as well as help him with his job to keep his family happy. It made Kuro feel warm, loved even, though his family shows him love all the time, but this type of love goes beyond family connections when it came to Mahiru.

"Kuro, you okay?" Mahiru called out to him once he finished microwaving his breakfast, he noticed Kuro staring at the stairs for awhile, and concerned as he is, he wondered if there was something on his mind. "Huh?" Kuro answered and turned his head towards his new lover. "I'm fine, was just thinking on how to put your stuff in my room without making it look too obvious that we are dating." Kuro lied, but honestly, he really should be thinking about room plans right now. "We might as well tell them Kuro, there's no such thing as moving my stuff into your room and not say we are dating." Mahiru told him with a chuckle, patting Kuro on the shoulder to relax him. "If you want, I will tell them, I know you don't talk about your feelings much and that's completely fine! Actions do more of the talking than the word of mouth, so to save you from a bit of teasing, I will do the honors, deal?" Mahiru added with a reassuring smile, to which Kuro felt comfortable with the idea and nodded at the offer. "Alright, sorry for what my brother is going to say, I know right now that it's going to be such a pain." Kuro sighed as he wrapped his arms around the brunet to keep him close. Mahiru smiled at the gesture and pats his partner's head to soothe him further. "I can handle it, so I don't mind it." He assured, smiling more at the older male, whom looked away due to the nerves. "Ri-Right....go ahead to the table and eat now, I gotta heat up my plate too." Kuro tells the brunet as he moved to grab his plate of breakfast to put into the microwave to heat it up. "Oh, okay, I'll meet you over there then." Mahiru said, leaving the kitchen to do as Kuro ordered.

Kuro nodded as Mahiru left out of the kitchen to the dining room, catching a peek as he left. Kuro really wondered how Mahiru was able to stay single for this long, or maybe he did have a past relationship? Kuro didn't want to pry, however, he knew to keep Mahiru close to him. He couldn't afford to lose the ray of light he has been searching for all these years.

"Sorry we took so long!~ But we're gonna head out now!~" Hyde announced once he reached the bottom of the stairs, Licht in tow. "Ah? I honestly don't want to ask, it's quite obvious as is." Kuro sighed with a roll of his eyes, causing the younger brother to look at the Eldest with wide eyes. "Hah?! How? Where?" Hyde questioned, but before Kuro could answer, Licht poked the side of his neck that was visible enough, giving the blond a deadpan look. "Right here, dumbass, you suck as covering it up." Licht glared in annoyance, but he knew there was no judgement from the other two about it, Kuro is already used to it. "What?! But I swear I hid it properly!" Hyde whined as he pulled himself away from Licht so he would stop poking his neck where the obvious bruise was at, doing his best to cover it with the collar of his shirt. "You obviously didn't do it well, now come on shit rat, we gotta help the fledgling pack so he can move in with us." Licht growled, grabbing Hyde by the wrist and towards the door. "Wait! At least wait for me! You need to get into my apartment after all and I have the keys, I'll go with you two after I finish, okay?" Mahiru called out after them from the dining room, gaining the attention from the two. "Oh yeah, you're right!~ We'll wait then!~" Hyde grins while dragging the poor Angel towards the living room to sit for a bit. Kuro only sighed heavily when he took his plate out, all that hard work he's gonna be doing for the sake of Mahiru sounds exhausting to him, but, he couldn't help but think that maybe it wouldn't be that bad. Surely Mahiru doesn't have a lot of things to be packed up. He will most likely be leaving his Uncle's things there for when he comes home from his job and only taking his stuff, but even so, this is for Mahiru...he will do anything for him at this point.

Well, almost anything, he can't deal to do that much.

"Just watch some TV awhile, we'll be done in a bit." Kuro tells them when he starts making his way towards the dining room to sit down and eat, finally feeling the hunger pains after awhile of not eating.

What an awful habit.

"Okay Nii-san, eat well!~ We're watching you!~"

"How creepy." Kuro scoffed, but nonetheless sat down next to Mahiru and saying a prayer before he started eating.

Maybe he should really tell them how grateful he is to all of them.


[A/N] Ayeeee, Valentine's day special, though, it's not that special, this chapter is disgusting and I wish I wrote it a bit better but it's been too long (in my case) since I did the last chapter, so this is part 1, cause obviously I didn't add more into it like I wanted to. But my moods has been on the fritz lately, and I've been tired and etc, plus I'm getting my new computer on Monday, so I'll be able to write on there rather than my phone. *sighs* I have a headache, but I hope this was good enough. I will probably change things up when I have the time to. Sorry about this short chapter. 

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