Moving in! [Part 2]

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However, that will have to wait, because right now? Well, they're packing his things in his apartment. With the help of Kuro, whom is helping him pack his things in his room. 

"Thank you Kuro for helping me, I know you really don't like doing a lot of strenuous activities, but I do appreciate you for doing this.."  Mahiru starts once he taped up one of his boxes, containing his clothes. "Even though I want to be home laying around and doing nothing, my brother and the angel probably would've kicked my ass to help. But I can handle strenuous activities, I'm sure you can still feel it y'know." Kuro replied as he taped a box full of books, setting it to the side to help Mahiru with newspapering his precious knick knacks around his room he saved for last. 

And yes, Mahiru can still feel it and it made him feel heated from Kuro's bold gesture. "Kuro!" he shouted, but it was low enough that the other two within the apartment didn't hear. However, the latter gave a low chuckle at his reaction, he enjoyed messing with the younger boy, but he knew not to go too far. "I know, I know. What a pain." Kuro snorted, papering up a snow globe of the Eiffel Tower to set in a box neatly. But nonetheless, Mahiru liked the fact that Kuro was opening up and allowing him to see this side of himself, seeing that the older could be so carefree at this time, it was nice and he was glad to be half of the reason why he is changing.

He really liked this side of Kuro.

"Hey Mahiru!" Hyde called out, getting the attention of said boy and the older sibling within the room with him. "Yeah?" Mahiru answered, handing the snow globe of the Big Ben to Kuro to see what Hyde wanted, but unbeknownst to him, Kuro stared at the object within the snow globe, being reminded of home after he long tossed it away. After all, it's been a long time since he had walked through those foggy mornings, through the rain due to England's terrible weather and through the streets on those rare nice days. He missed home, not that he'll admit it out loud, but he'd want to go home and show Mahiru where he was born, perhaps he'll bring his siblings too so they'll see the past that their big brother hid so tightly. 

Yeah, maybe he'll go home and show his family around, it shouldn't be that bad. 

"Kuro?" Mahiru called out to him, peeking into the room to where he spotted the latter looking at the snow globe in thought. Mahiru could see the longing in those red eyes of his, he knew that Kuro must've missed his home, all of the siblings were dragged out from their points of origin just to be placed here in Japan, so all of the siblings must've missed that part of them that were ripped away from them.  Perhaps Mahiru could help them find those missing parts by taking them home, to see them find their happiness in the places they were taken away from.

"Mahiru?" Kuro waved a hand in front of the boy's face since he looked deep in thought, raising a brow at him. "You called me and now you're distracted too. Do you need to sit? Is it break time yet? I'm hungry. " Kuro said to try and get his partner back from thinking too much about what he saw. And luckily, it worked. Mahiru snapped out of his thoughts to turn to Kuro, whom is looking at him expectantly. "Huh? Sorry Kuro, but yes it's break time, let's eat shall we?" Mahiru replied, thankful to Kuro that he didn't hide the fact that he was thinking of home in front of him. Kuro just nodded to answer him, taking his hand to lead him out of the room and down the hallway to the kitchen, where food was awaiting them. 

"Took you two long enough! We were about to eat without you~ We're almost done so after this break, we could start taking the boxes home~" Hyde told them once he saw the two exit the hallway. "Ah, thought as much. We're just papering up the valuables so it shouldn't take long. So you two could actually start taking them, we'll take the last of the boxes when we're done. The clothes and bedding and all are going into my room." Kuro told him, getting questioning looks from the other two. "Huh? What do you mean your room? Like storage? He could use the extra room you know. I thought that was the plan?" Hyde said, clearly confused until it dawned on him. "Wait, you two-" "Yes, we're dating, happy?" Kuro cut him off, earning a loud shriek of happiness from the younger sibling. "Finally!~ I just knew you and Mahiru will end up going out!~ You two are stubborn as hell and it's only natural that two stubborn people will end up going out!~" Hyde cheered as he went over to his sibling to throw an arm over his shoulder to pull him close, which, Kuro didn't mind all that much. "Yeah yeah..thought you must've thought that, and it happened. Now you could stop with all that talk about getting laid, it's been done already-" 

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