ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ Newfound feelings (nsfw-ISHHH)

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Ok, this is gonna be a more explicit chapter, if you don't like it ._. I'm sorry, it just happened; 

You have been warned.


Mahiru, at this point didn't know when he passed out again, but at the sound of the door being knocked upon, he knew he had to get up with Kuro, but how could he when Kuro was nearly on top of him? Now that he really feels it, he could feel something hard on his thigh. Curious, Mahiru gently pulls up the covers to see what was digging up against him, but upon realizing what it actually is, Mahiru's face immediately burned so fast and so hot that he could possibly pass out at any given time.

So he was dying, my god he was dying. Kuro's......thing is against his thigh and he never felt the need to be still for so long in his life. Mahiru didn't know what to do, move? Bad idea. Wake Kuro up? He might have to, in order to answer whoever is at the door. But right now, he would rather wait til Kuro wakes up on his own, this felt too embarrassing. So staying still,he decides that it's a perfect opportunity to check his phone notifications since he had nothing else to do, and upon turning on his phone...he forgot to lower the volume of many notifications that dinged. And in the fit of panic, he turned his phone off again, but it didn't save him, Kuro was stirring from sleep. "Mahiru...?" Kuro spoke after rubbing his eyes to open them, but once he did so, he could see how red Mahiru's face is. "Why is that everytime I wake up, you look like you're going to explode, do you have some sort of fever or do you hate being in the same space as me?" 

Mahiru immediately  rejected Kuro's assumption, he loved being around Kuro and watching him change and get better, he wouldn't want to be with anyone but him. "No! That's not it Kuro! It's just-" Mahiru paused and flushed to a brighter shade as he gestured downwards under the blanket, trying to get Kuro's attention on the real problem, and once he figured out what Mahiru meant, he froze. "Oh..." Kuro said, eyes just as wide as Mahiru's at the discovery. "That's what I mean! I'm like this because of that! I like being around you Kuro, I swear!" Mahiru continued, still not daring to move since they were skin tight close that he could feel every detail on Kuro's body. "Well shit.." Kuro breathed, but didn't dare to move in case he made the problem worse. "What do we do?"

"How am I supposed to know!? What do you usually do?!

"Are you seriously asking me that, Mahiru? Do know that this is my first time sleeping with someone, I never had this problem before." Kuro tells him and Mahiru feels stressed all over again, but he calms down. Someone ought to, right? "Okay, well then think of something that...I don't know...makes you go back to normal?" Mahiru offered, but with the look he recieved, it's as if he said something stupid. "You mean something that turns me off? What if you were the reason this happened, how can I think of a turn off when you're so close?" 

And upon hearing that, Mahiru felt as if he was going to pass out. Should he believe Kuro? Kuro said that this was the first time this happened, maybe he actually did do this to him on accident?  

"Then what do you want to do about this, Kuro? We gotta get up and if I move my leg or if you move, it's gonna make you worse. So what do you want to do?" Mahiru asked as he looked Kuro dead in the eyes. If Kuro wants help, sure, he'll help even if this was his first time dealing with this sort of problem, but if it was Kuro, he felt like it wasn't a problem.

Maybe that was a problem?

"Mahiru, I kinda hate to burst your bubble, but you're in the same predicament as I am. As much as you're feeling mine, I can feel yours too, y'know." Kuro mumbled against his shoulder, as if he was trying to hide his face from the brunet. They were both completely and utterly fucked. Because with one move of his leg to test that theory, the moment the contact was gone, he felt Kuro shiver against him with a breathy sigh. If that didn't stir him up, he didn't know what will. But he realized that Kuro was right. They are both having the same problem and it was embarrassing for the both of them, having been caught hard. But Mahiru thinks that this could be a moment in which they could get closer, well, closer than they already are. 

Blushing once again at the idea he had in mind, Mahiru felt brave enough to carefully sit himself on top of Kuro's lap once he turned him onto his back. And with the look Kuro gave, he wasn't expecting it to go this far. "Ma-Mahiru, what are you doing?" Kuro stutters but with the weight currently on his lap, he couldn't help but lower his head onto his pillow with a groan. He never saw this coming, he knew Mahiru was a virgin and all, just like he is, but compared to him, Mahiru is more innocent looking, it was hard to think that this kid had this up his sleeve.

Well, honestly, it was hard to think about anything but the heat of his dick though.

"Simply thinking, we both have this problem at the same time and we don't want the others to know about when we take turns taking forever in the bathroom. The least we could do is take care of our problems at the same time...." Mahiru stated but lowered his head and scratched his head nervously. "But I never did this before and I never thought about doing it before, but with you, I don't mind it..." he adds, looking back up to notice Kuro giving him a look that he had never seen before.

A heated stare, and it made Mahiru shiver. 

"If you're gonna do something, then do it, Mahiru." Kuro grunts out, resting his hands on the lithe hips of his friend. 

Would they still be friends after this? 

With that, Mahiru didn't want to waste time. He didn't want to be caught by Kuro's brothers or their friends, especially not in the middle of them getting off on each other. "I'm gonna move then.." Mahiru announced timidly before he grinded his hips as to test out a perfect rythm for the both of them

And by the sounds of it, it was perfect for Kuro.


A/N: Oh lookie me, it's a new chapter! Whoot! Which I'm working on these fuckers on my phone xd but if you want flat out NSFW in the next chapter to continue this chapter for a part 2, let me know xd 

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