Investigations and secrets revealed.

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Their work went quite quickly throughout the hours, thankfully. However, Roku watched as his sibling excused himself to answer a phone call, thinking that it must've been a sibling or that boyfriend of his. Though, the way Kuro acted, he realized it must've been someone else.

Ah, right, he should investigate while his brother is distracted. So doing so, he pulls up an app on his phone to attempt to hack into his sibling's phone, getting up to head to his room for the time being, calling the number that is in his brother's latest calls, being able to listen on their conversation. But it seems, it wasn't what he wanted, he doesn't know the reason why his brother is doing something more illegal than what he does...but now it seems that he'll have to break Kuro out of his own side hustle.

Surely there was a reason though, right?

"What do you mean? I thought you found something." Kuro's voice spoke through the line, followed by a voice he doesn't recognize.

"It's exactly as I said, in the clinical trials, it doesn't seem to work. We have to find another source or another ingredient to the drug in order for it to work, Sloth."

"So where would you even get them?" Kuro sighs out.

"We could look on black markets for a similar ingredients with different effects. Perhaps that's the way to go. Cures do take awhile to make you know."

Oh, so that's what his brother is doing...

"My brother is gonna try and help me get information on what our Father did to me. We're planning on heading to London so we can read up on the files he has. Perhaps there will be something that has a drug in it that could help revert me back or well, I don't know, nullify whatever he gave me. What a pain."

"Your brother? One of the other siblings? London? You never mentioned."

"Birth sibling, I have family left. But I never wanted anyone to know. Look, I'll keep doing what you guys want from me in exchange, but don't get my family involved. That's all I can ask and the agreement still stands."

"I see, well, I won't mention it to the boss then. If you will be heading to London, there is a few things we need you to do, we will send an email to you regarding on the tasks. In return, you will be paid as usual with the same amount of medication to control that condition of yours. If you do those tasks well, we'll up the amount to two months worth. Sound fair?"

"'Kay, and that sounds fine. I'll get you guys what you need. I might have to take Mahiru with me, do you think you could ask his Uncle to perhaps make up an excuse on why he's going overseas? I won't get him involved in any of this shady work that we're gonna get into. If he ends up almost figuring it out, I'll have to abort. Is that okay?"

"I will ask him, but if you need to abort, that's fine as long as you pick up where you aborted from and finish the task when it's clear. There will be instructions and a cover for you to use. Unfortunately, that means that if you have a real name from where you were born, you'll have to use it."

"Thanks, but fine.....I'll give it a read when you send it. But damn, I was hoping I didn't need to. I'll talk with a close....friend of mine when I get there. I gotta go now, my brother must be waiting for me to get done. Send it through my work email as usual, Mahiru sleeps beside me now so he will have access to my phone."

"Of course, and understood. Question, however, why the hell would you let him have access to your phone?"

"In case he gets worried that I'm being unfaithful. Working with you guys is my only secret. My siblings would never let me be toyed around by you guys again, but you guys are unfortunately the only way I'm going to be cured, so I have no choice. So I don't want to hurt Mahiru by not allowing him on my phone, I don't want him to think I'm doing something bad behind his back-"

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