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Roku didn't know what to do once Gear dragged his sibling out of the home. He had a few options: One, being to go to the hotel to relay what his brother told him, Two, he could follow them to see what Gear would do to his brother, or Three, he could tell Mahiru about the situation and hopes he can deal with it. 

Well, he ended up going with the third option since he's already here at the hotel explaining to Mahiru everything. 

"So let me get this straight, you two were at the house you both grew up in and Kuro's ex came and grabbed him to drag him away?" Mahiru repeated to Roku simply to get the whole story straight. 

Of course, Roku didn't tell him everything. 

"Yes, that is what I'm saying." 

"Well then come on! He has my boyfriend Roku! Why didn't you stop them?!" Mahiru shouted as he put on his jacket and his shoes by the door to leave, Roku following behind. "Gear is scary! I didn't wanna anger him! I'm sure he wouldn't hurt Kuro, but there's a chance of it!" Roku tried to argue, closing the door behind them as they left to chase after Kuro and Gear. "But who knows what he would do to Kuro! You said it yourself that he could hurt him! Kuro isn't his boyfriend anymore, so he doesn't have a say or reason to grab mine from his own home to force him to spend a night with him! I don't trust it!" Mahiru bit back, storming out of the hotel room, thankful that Licht and Hyde went into town to explore how it was like for Kuro growing up. 

"I'm sure they aren't doing anything bad! Kuro is the loyal type and would say no! You don't need to rush you know!" Roku tried to slow him down, but with little success. "I trust Kuro, but I don't trust this 'Gear' you speak of. I don't know how their relationship was and if it was like ours, then Kuro lied to me." Mahiru said, heading into the hotel elevator to press the lobby floor button the moment Roku walked in with him. "Lied about what exactly though? Sure, he didn't tell you about Gear, but he isn't the type to really lie." 

"He lied to me when he told me our first time was his first time." Mahiru sighed, he knew he shouldn't be jealous that Kuro already had experience with another guy, he's older than him for christ sakes, so of course he would be more experienced in different fields when it comes to romance, but Mahiru didn't didn't like it. 

"That was his first time, you know. Kuro would kill me when I tell you this, but he was a bottom for Gear." 

"He- what?" Mahiru stared in shock at the response. Kuro never looked like he would do something like that, but he supposes that he shouldn't have come to conclusions so fast. "I thought Kuro always topped? Wait! Why are we even talking about this!" Mahiru blushed in embarrassment, he was so upset that he forgot his own embarrassment of talking about their sex life. "You started it, but yes, he bottomed, he never topped until he met you. How I know about this? Well, because he told me." Roku rolled his eyes, watching as the numbers go lower as they reach the bottom to the lobby. "Why would he tell you something like that!" Mahiru shouted quietly when the doors of the elevator opened so they could leave. "Because I asked, all you gotta do is ask him and he will answer. Because he's simple like that and always has been. Plus, he was very confident in his sex life back then that it didn't seem to really bother him. Who knows, if you wanna top him so bad, then just ask him." he offered when they walked out of the elevator and towards the exit of the hotel. "I can't just ask him for something like that! You know this!" 

"Why not? What's stopping you?" 

Mahiru stopped for a moment to truly think about how to reply to that question, Roku was right. What is stopping him? 


When Roku and Mahiru arrived at the home, Mahiru had no patience and opened the door without any sort of warning or permission. He needed to get to Kuro quickly before Gear even thinks for a second that he could do something to Kuro without his knowledge of it. So busting in without warning, he took off his shoes (cause he needed to be at least that much respectful) and heads out of the entryway to the living room, to which, he is surprised at what he saw. Honestly, he was thinking much worse, but this, seems so normal. 

"Ah. Hi Mahi." Kuro spoke up when he had a inkling of a feeling that Mahiru arrived, his eyes never leaving the TV where he and Gear were playing games. "Kuro...." Mahiru starts but is cut off when the male he believes is named Gear gestures them over. "A bit rude to slam into someone's house without any sort of calls or texts. I was going to give him back tomorrow." 

"Yeah, he just rushed out after I was telling him that you would be fine Kuro." Roku sighs as he joined Mahiru in the hall outside of the living room since he was the one to fix the door a bit since it broke slightly from the force. 

"Ah, well, I was expecting it." Kuro tells him and looks over to Mahiru once the round between him and Gear ended. "Because he doesn't trust me." 

"I trust you! Just not him!" Mahiru counters, gesturing at Gear when he walked in closer. Ignoring how Gear gave him a dirty look. "Why? Cause I'm his ex and I stole him from his own home? Have a little faith." Gear sighed as he chose his next character to battle, getting a chip from the shared bag of doritos they had on the table in front of them. Mahiru said nothing and rounded the corner on the couch seat Kuro was sitting to sit next to him, giving Gear one last glare before turning his attention to Kuro. "Why didn't you say anything?" 

"Because this would've been your reaction, and besides, I didn't expect to come back to London for something, so I didn't think it would've been an issue. But I guess I was wrong. But I assure you, there's nothing between us, we just play games as friends." Kuro reassured the best he could, going as far as to lean against the brunet so he could feel him. "I'm going nowhere without you right behind me." 

Mahiru decided that the rest of the talk could wait until later. For now, he will allow this friendly game battle continue until it was time to go back to the hotel. He'll have to message Hyde and Licht to let them know until then. 

He'll get to the bottom of all this secrecy later as well, he feels as if Roku and Kuro have been hiding something from him for awhile now, and he wants to know why. 

"Ah right, Kuro, about your sickness...did you find your solution yet?" 

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