Sleepover! [Part 2!]

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By the time the movie ended, most of them were nearly asleep or asleep, Kuro being one of them since he was currently huddled up against Mahiru's side with his head laying against said teen's shoulder, completely unaware. While as Licht was nearly asleep against Hyde. So far, Mahiru, Tsubaki, Berukia and Hyde made it through the movie without getting tired, it was a shock, but they did it. 

"Who's gonna be brave enough to wake up Nii-san?" Hyde asked out of the blue, he knows his brother wouldn't do anything, but he wouldn't be too happy that his dream was cut short. "Honestly, you should be asking that more towards Licht. He's more dangerous when roused from sleep." Berukia said, tired enough not to use his usual nickname towards the angel. "Ah, you're right, you're right. Mahiru, you're gonna have to take Nii-san up to bed now. We'll clean up down here." Hyde suggested as he looks at the brunette, noticing that Mahiru was staring way to intently at his sibling. "Mahiru-" 

"I heard. But are you sure? I can help out-" "Nah it's okay, go take him to bed." Hyde reassures with a grin, but not daring to move from his spot yet so he wouldn't bother Licht. "If you say so...." Mahiru trails off but when nobody said anything, he thought he might as well obey and get the Eldest to bed. So with that said, Mahiru slowly pulls away from Kuro with his hands resting on him so he wouldn't fall sideways, but knowing Kuro, he's a heavy sleeper once he's down for the count. But still, he remains to be careful by wrapping Kuro's arm around his shoulder and his own around Kuro's waist, he effectively lifts him off the couch and onto his feet, still peacefully asleep. Well, until-

"If you needed me to wake up, you could've just done so." 

"Kuro!" Mahiru shouted in surprise, when did he wake up?! "Calm down the shouting, it's too late for that..." Kuro grunts out as he pulls away from Mahiru, rubbing his eyes and yawning, still clearly exhausted. "So-Sorry, but anyways, the others said to take you up to bed since they are gonna clean up, so let's go, okay? So you can lay down." Mahiru told him while Tsubaki and Berukia were already beginning to clean up their couch they were sitting on, because during the movie, Licht ended up joining him, Kuro and Hyde on their side because Tsubaki was being too loud for him. But said male was still peacefully half-asleep on Hyde while Hyde tries to move him so he was laying on the couch so he would be able to help clean. "We should help clean too-" 

"Nii-san, I said it was fine. This is a day where you should relax. No butts, go to bed." Hyde demanded sternly, making the Eldest raise his hands in surrender. It's not often Hyde would use that tone with him, unless he was genuinely concerned, so sighing, he relents. "Fine. C'mon." Kuro said as he taps on Mahiru's shoulder, heading over to the stairs with the brunet following close behind. "Did you like the party at least?" Mahiru asked once they started ascending up said stairs to the bedrooms. "It was okay, I was mostly asleep during the movie, but the snacks and drinks were fine." Kuro shrugs, leading Mahiru towards his room. 

Ah, this is exactly the moment Mahiru remembered....

He was sleeping with Kuro the same bed. 

That made Mahiru becomes flustered all over again, how was he gonna sleep! Like, yeah he slept in the same bed with his friends before in sleepovers, but that's when they were kids! He's grown up now and Kuro is older than him by three years, even though that really doesn't matter, but still! Sleeping in the same bed when you both are grown is weird, isn't it?! Besides, he doesn't even know how he is in bed! Does he move around a lot? Does he snore? Does he sleep talk? He doesn't want Kuro sleeping with someone who does any of that! But wait, what if Kuro does one of those too? Was Kuro really comfortable with this or is he just being nice? Surely it's the latter-

"Mahiru, are you just gonna stand there or are you coming in?" Kuro drawled out tiredly, staring at the boy who was inwardly panicking on what he should do. Go in or find an excuse? "U-Uh shouldn't I take a shower first? I mean like, it's your bed I don't want it to get dirty from me, y'know?" Mahiru reasoned. He chose with an excuse after all. Kuro just stared at him for the longest time, calculating Mahiru's very being before he replied. "I guess, I'll use the shower after you then-" "Yo-You can use it first! Since this is your house! It's okay! Plus, I think I forgot clothes-" "Didn't you bring clothes earlier?" Kuro asked with a raised brow, but he nonetheless moved away to his dresser to get a pair of pajamas ready with a pair of boxers. "But sure, I'll go first then to get it over with." Mahiru was glad that Kuro wanted to go first, at least he'd have more time to think over his feelings and gain confidence. But honestly, he was more hopeful that Kuro would be passed out by the time Mahiru gets out, so it wouldn't be so awkward when he's climbing into his bed. Or well, less awkward at least..."I think I did bring some, but okay! I'll wait for you!" Mahiru said as he breathed out a sigh of relief, moving to the side to let Kuro pass to head towards the shower. So since he was gonna head for that shower, now is the perfect time to go get his bag from the guest bedroom so he could grab it and bring it here. Which, he wasn't that far from it, just a few steps away. Therefore, he starts heading over to it to grab it quick before Tsubaki and Berukia came up. And lucky for him, they were still downstairs. So with that done, he quickly heads back to Kuro's room to take out his pair of pajamas and underwear too. He's still embarrassed of course, who wouldn't be? Moreover, Mahiru would have enough time to be able to sort his mind. Maybe tonight in the same bed would benefit...? Like a test whether or not he likes Kuro in that way. Perhaps akin to how Tsubaki thinks. Mahiru doesn't know whether he really wants to know, but he's prepared for it, he just needs to face it head on like how his Uncle always told him! He's not gonna run away from this, he's strong willed, right? So Mahiru will gladly take this opportunity to get closer to Kuro, this is his chance-

"Oi, why are you staring at clothes like that? The shower is running y'know." 


"Kuro! You're out so fast!" Mahiru shouted in surprise, getting a disgruntled look from Kuro from the noise, but Mahiru quickly apologized before Kuro answered. "I shower quick to get it over with. Now get in the shower. So troublesome." Kuro adds as he walks to his bed, drying off the rest of his hair before he brushed it. Quickly realizing that he really should get in the shower, Mahiru bolted out of the room and towards the bathroom where the running shower was heard. 

Yeah, maybe he's still a coward.  


After the shower, he felt better. His mind was at ease, his heart was calm and his confidence was set in stone. He was gonna do it, he's gonna try and not run away from this even though his every nerve is screaming for him to do so. But it was already too late, because here he was, staring down at a passed out Kuro in his bed with one side completely open for him. There was no turning back now. So after a deep breath in and a slow breath out, he slowly picks up his side of the comforter and slips one of his legs in, shimmying his way onto the bed without making too much noise or bed movements. And by this, he ended up successful, staying mostly by the edge and away as much as he can from Kuro, he didn't want to take much space. 

Even though this bed is bigger than his own singular size one at his apartment, but nonetheless, he stayed off more to the side with his back towards Kuro, pulling the comforter over his face to try and calm himself down. 

Honestly, Mahiru doesn't think he'd be able to sleep, but he'll sure try.

"Goodnight Kuro..." 

"Night, Mahiru." 

Upon hearing that, Mahiru inwardly panicked. 



[A/N]: Hi ^^ oof a little longer chapter now, huh? xd Sorry about my job making me too tired to write, but I try to write as much as I can >^< I work monday-friday from 6-2, and my job is like 30 minutes away so I gotta wake up at 4am to get ready qnq, and in november I'll have no days off besides one day so I'll try to write as much as possible; but I can't promise constant updates as I promised; but it's a seasonal job so I'll be let go in January xd and then me and my family are moving to Pennsylvania so oof; this is hell. But I hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best x'd 

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