Feelings? [Uninvited Guests Pt.2]

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"What do I feel?" Mahiru echoed. What did he feel for Kuro? He's a good guy, cares for his siblings more than himself, he's selfless and protective to the people he cares for. "I like him." Mahiru replies to his own thoughts, not realizing he said his answer out loud, getting a grin from the Eighth sibling. "Like him in what way though?~" Tsubaki snickers, he was to curious for his own good.

Before Mahiru could answer, Hyde butted in to save the poor brunet. "Leave him be, Tsubaki! The poor kid has been through enough these days, give him a break will ya? Or Nii-san is going to scold you once he finds out you were bombarding him with tiring questions!" Hyde scolds, getting the said Eighth and the brunet to look a him. "I don't mind Hyde-" "Of course you don't but it's best to keep it hush hush until you know for sure on how you feel for Nii-san. Relationships are slow y'know, that's how me and Angel-chan survived this long~"

"Who said we had a relationship, shit rat?" Licht growls, glaring at the blond. "So mean Lich-tan!~ Ever since you moved in! You even accepted my confession right in front of Nii-san! What do you mean 'who said'?" Hyde gasped in feigned hurt, looking at his Angel. But the said Angel gave him the dirtiest of looks, but he will never admit that he was wrong. "Tch, whatever. Don't get me into this." Licht growled, leaving the area to prevent getting into more of the conversation. 

"Awe Lich-tan can be so shy~ How cute!~" Hyde beamed but nonetheless turned his attention back to Mahiru. "Don't answer something that you don't know for sure, because once you say it and you don't follow through with that you said, there will be complications between the two of you if Nii-san were to find out. So I wouldn't say anything just yet, I'm not saying this for your sake, but I'm saying this from personal experience. Y'know?" Hyde told him with a serious tone. Mahiru is his friend, and he cared for the guy. But he is more worried about how it would affect his sibling. He has been through enough pain and took care of his family for years, if he was developing feeling for Mahiru, then he'd have to make sure that his sibling didn't get hurt by said feelings. Because his big brother was the toughest of them all, he just doesn't want to watch him fall again. 

With that said, Mahiru nodded. He didn't want to risk any complications with Kuro, it's already hard enough to get him to open up and let him in, so he didn't want to hurt him by saying the wrong thing without knowing for sure on what he feels. "You're right! Then I will take my time thinking about it! Your brother really is a good person though, he may be hard headed and intimidating. But once you understand him a bit, then you will see the caring side of him, and I like that a lot about him! He tries his hardest for the sake of his family, the least I could do it make sure he's taken care of too!" Mahiru said as he smiled wide. Gaining the approval of Hyde by his answer. After all, Hyde is scared of losing Kuro than anyone else. 

"You just have a brother complex, Hyde. Man this isn't interesting at all..." Complained Tsubaki with a sigh, getting an offended glare from Hyde."Well I'm sorry that i don't want to lose him again. " Hyde spits out, making Mahiru take the responsibility of calming them both down. "Hey let's just drop the subject for now, okay? Look we're all worried for him, but we don't need to fight about it. You two are siblings, rather than trying to go at each other's throats because of it, why not just work together to try and help him? Isn't that why you're here Tsubaki? And why you are living with him Hyde?" Mahiru questioned them, earning him a reluctant nod from Tsubaki and a confident nod from Hyde. "I thought as much, so let's just drop the conversation, because if he finds out you two were fighting, that would hurt him and it will hurt the family as well as yourselves. So let's calm down, drink some tea and talk about something else, alright?" 

Hyde gave Tsubaki a side glance at that but sighed, he knew Mahiru was right. He didn't want to put more strain on the family nor on Kuro. Kuro wants everyone to get along but he and Tsubaki aren't getting with the program. So he will just need to suck it up for awhile.

"Ugh fine.... we'll get along." Hyde agreed, hearing Tsubaki agree as well with a "Fine, you win." 

"Good! So what shall we do first?~"


A/N: Wow it's been a year since I've updated it seems; holy shit I need to reread my stories and start making new chapters ._.! But the beginning of this chapter was from last year, I just finished it since it didn't seem too bad, so it's fine!~ I'll be rereading my fics that needs to be updated so I can continue with them (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) So I will get more chapters in! I promise! If I fail, someone add me on discord and yell at me :'>  but this is short and I apologise, I just forgot alot x'd hoped you enjoyed this trash!

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