Future talk and realizations.

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When Mahiru and Kuro woke up, they nearly forgot about what they did last night. But the sticky feeling below their waists and the stale stench of sex made them realize what they did. And Mahiru still had to get up for school. "Hey, you can get up first and shower, I'll take off the bed sheet. Deal?" Kuro offered when he looked at those brown eyes as his partner opened them. "You sure you don't need help? And it's best to shower together you know, less waste of water." Mahiru bargained, but Kuro had none of it, rolling his eyes, Kuro sighed and kisses his head. "You do remember our first time, right? I would like to keep our sex life to ourselves rather than practically announce it to the others. Y'know?" Kuro reminded, pulling away from Mahiru for him to get up for his shower while he got up to change the soiled bed sheets. "True...but showering alone is lonely." Mahiru argued, but nonetheless gotten up and out of bed so Kuro could do so, but that reply made Kuro groan. "Mahiru, if you keep up with that talk, we would be getting dirty again before we even get the chance to get cleaned. But I'll hold back cause you must be sore and you have school." Kuro argued back, stifling a laugh when he saw how his comment made Mahiru blush in embarrassment. "Uh yeah, then okay, I'll go first...Thanks Kuro.." Mahiru thanked as he took Kuro's blue bath robe to put it on to hide his body, Kuro didn't mind it, after all, he would've suggested that he take it anyways since it was softer. But paying no mind to Mahiru getting his clothes ready, Kuro took off the pillows and the blankets to change the form fitting bed sheet to put on a fresh clean one, getting the matching sheet for it. It was blue plaid and Mahiru had to admit that it looked pretty and now it made sense that Kuro is indeed British. "What? You will get to sleep in this bed at the end of the day, go shower Mahi." Kuro shoo'd him, breaking Mahiru out of his thoughts. "Sorry Kuro, but okay." Mahiru nodded and sneaked out of the room to shower, thanking whatever gods out there that the others weren't awake just yet.

Watching Mahiru go, Kuro rolled his eyes at his sneaky behaviour, but he didn't voice it out as the door clicked shut. Mahiru could be a handful, but it's not like he has any right to complain. So finishing up by changing the pillow covers to match with the bedding, he made the bed with the comforter on top, completing the bed set. And after stepping back to look at it, he felt pride in it. But ah, fuck it, the others aren't awake yet, so might as well join Mahiru. So he quickly grabbed his own change of clothes and heads out, walking into the closed bathroom and nearly catching the other off guard. "Kuro! Knock next time! Why are you in here for?!" Mahiru shrieked, but quieted down when Kuro locked the door after closing it, giving Mahiru a deadpanned look. "My bad, but what do you think I came in here for? Move over, I'm joining you."


After the shower, they were lucky enough that the others were still asleep. They were able to have their fun in the shower and start preparing breakfast together side by side once they were done. None of the two knew what time it even was to begin with. "Hey Kuro, what time is it anyways? It just feels odd that the other three are still not awake yet." Mahiru asked, cracking an egg into the skillet. "Huh..? Ah, it's..." Kuro pauses as he pulls out his phone from his pocket to check the time, blinking at it as he looked at Mahiru. "We're a bit early, but I believe the others will wake up soon, it's half past 6am." he finished, setting his phone back into his pocket to continue making waffles for everyone. "So we pretty much got up around 5am?" Mahiru sighed out, hearing a yawn from the other. "Pretty much."

"Woah!~ Look at you two bright and early~" Hyde announced, walking down the stairs since he was finished brushing his teeth and hair for the morning. "Never in my life did I see the day we didn't have to wake you up Nii-san~"

"Ah hush, I have woken up before you guys many times before, stop making me look bad." Kuro grunts out, already completing four waffles so far and working on the last one. "True~ Sorry Nii-san, but what are we having for breakfast?~" Hyde asked, rounding the corner to enter the kitchen, but was stopped by Mahiru. "How about you go wake the others up, it's almost done so you'll see it yourself after."

"Awe!~ Boo! Okay Mom and Dad!~ I'll go wake the others~" Hyde laughed and left towards the stairs to walk up to wake Licht and Roku. Even with the teasing titles, the two didn't pay any mind. They suppose that it's what they are now. Looking at each other, they both agree on their thoughts. "I'll be the working husband and you be the housewife?" Kuro voiced out, getting a nod out of Mahiru. "Seems about right, I would've usually kill anyone who calls me a housewife, but if we're gonna eventually get married, then I suppose I'll endure it." Mahiru answered, flipping the eggs that were cooking in the skillet. "Married? You're very confident, but I'll be working with my brother to help get more income so we wouldn't have to rely on Lily, I feel bad enough that Hyde gets all these part time jobs when he's a full time student." Kuro said, taking out the last waffle he poured in just moments ago, setting it to the side on a plate so he could turn the waffle maker off. "Well yeah, I'm confident, I'm sure we'll be together for a long time, right?" Mahiru implored hopefully, giving the older male a hopeful look. He didn't want to be left behind after he came to love Kuro and his large family. "Don't give me that look Mahiru, yes, we'll be with each other for a long time enough to be married with like, two kids. Calm down, I still have to ask your Uncle for permission." he reassured, patting his partner on his head to have him calm down before he starts overthinking. "Besides, we have a long way to go, we'll get married when we're like somewhere in the twenties and out of school, I don't even have a ring for us, so let's take our time, but I will marry you, I promise. Alright?" Kuro adds, pulling Mahiru's chin with his finger up to face him better. "You don't have to get his permission, I'm sure he'll let you because you make me happy, just be aware that he's a man of a lot of puns, but this isn't the old days, I'm sure we could get married whenever we wanted, but I know you what you mean, you just want him to accept you, I'm positive he will, don't worry about it." Mahiru smiled, leaning forward to press a kiss to the corner of Kuro's lips, to which Kuro moved his head to catch those lips. "We'll see, perhaps we should invite him over someday for lunch or dinner. I'll cook so he'll know that you aren't the only one doing the cooking, deal?"

"Sounds like a deal Kuro, thank you." Mahiru smiled happily, moving to take the unburnt eggs somehow off the skillet to a ready plate, continuing off from where he left off. "Anytime."

"Say, that reminds me, you must be turning twenty this year, right?" Mahiru asked, reminded that Kuro must be nineteen while Mahiru himself was almost sixteen. But wait a second, was their relationship illegal? "I am......ah shit..." Kuro realized, facepalming at his stupidity. "But it's fine! I'll be sixteen soon, it'll be legal! Don't freak out, you look Eighteen, so it'll be fine if you lie til then, I don't want you getting in trouble." Mahiru jumped to reassure his partner, maybe they should've thought this over, but he's sure they both don't regret it, they wanted this that their ages didn't matter at that moment. "You know I can't lie...but, if I'm not carded, then alright, just til you're sixteen. Let's just not tell anyone, sounds fair?" Kuro agreed, turning to face the younger boy to kiss his head. "Sounds fair~"

"You guys done talking about marriage and being scared about Nii-san going to jail? I woke them up." Hyde finally spoke, looking at the two from the dining room from the little window that was over the sink and stove. "If he goes to jail, we can just bust him out, no need to be scared." Roku waved it off, yawning as he casually sat in his chair. "Agreed, we wouldn't allow him to go to jail for something like that, so hurry up with breakfast before the shit rat starts complaining." Licht comments, glancing to said male.

"Wow, reassuring yet demanding. Hold your horses kids, eggs will be done soon." Kuro told them with a glance, helping Mahiru with the eggs to finish breakfast. They were hungry as well just smelling the food.

No matter the trouble, or the gap between them, nothing will pull them apart. If they love each other, then together they would stay.


A/N: OK so I realized I completely fucked myself over with this chapter, I was here voicing my stupidity to my wife about it, but it's fine! I looked it up! I should've done it sooner but y'know, oh well, I squeezed it in there. I be hella dumb tho ngl (You ain't dumb woman -- your wife). But my wife is my new proofreader cause like, I be making hella mistakes cause I don't READ BEFORE I POST LIKE A DUMB ASS. But it's less stress that way I guess and less time I berate myself about how stupid I can be lol (Glad to be of help ^^). But here y'all go. I wanted to write more in this chapter, but I wanna finish early and I still have to eat yet. Plus early sleep will be nice too, I'm tired lol. Until next time~

Edit: Lol dear, but realized it's sunday and not monday, so uh, fuck it, lol it's been a hard few days xd I should've told you to wait wifey, damn xd

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