Slumber party! [Part 1!]

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When Kuro returned to the house, he could tell something happened, with the tense feeling in the air, it felt as if there was a fight. Sighing, he hung up his keys and took his boots off. The others in the living room doesn't seem to notice he was back yet, so he took his time taking off his jacket to hang it up, listening in on what they were saying before he cut them off. 

"So anyways, I was thinking a slumber party! Since you and Berukia are staying here for the night, why not make things fun? Like games! And or snacks! Maybe you can watch us play the game we've been playing, y'know? I'm sure Kuro wouldn't mind!" 

"Parties are such a pain." Kuro spoke as he picked up the bag of clothes with two toothbrushes within them, tossing the bags over to the two that needed them. "Kuro! You're back!" Mahiru greeted, smiling wide at him. "Parties may be a pain but they're fun! C'mon, it'd be nice to let loose! I'll do the cooking today so you could relax. Deal?~" Mahiru adds as he took Kuro by the arm to bring him over to the couch to sit him down, earning a grunt from him. "He's right Nii-san!~ Come on it'd be fun! We hadn't had a party in so long so it would be nice for you to relax for once~" Hyde agrees, ruffling his big brother's hair playfully. To which said brother sighed again, patting his sibling's hand away from his hair. "Fine, we can have one. Just don't make any music or games too loud. Alright?" Kuro relents, causing a cheer of happiness from Mahiru, Hyde and Berukia, whom was stealing some snacks from the fridge at that time. "Thank you Kuro! I promise this will be the best party you've ever experienced! Oh but wait, since I'm sleeping over too and so is your sibling and friend. Who's sleeping in the guest bedroom?" Mahiru asked once he took a moment to think about it. "Us of course!~" Tsubaki spoke up with a grin, "So that means you're gonna be with Nii-san tonight~" he adds with a mischievous glint in his eyes, causing Mahiru to glare at the man, but before he could say something, Kuro spoke up in agreement. "Aight that's fine, I'll take him in. I don't want a friend to sleep on the couch, so it would be fine to lay out a futon for him in my room." He said, looking over at Tsubaki first, totally oblivious to the conversation they had earlier. "On the floor? How about the bed?~ You have a queen bed too, no? It would be enough room for the two of you, you don't want your friend to sleep on the floor too, y'know?" Tsubaki told him with an innocent look, getting a look from Kuro before he looks off to the side to think it over. "Wa-Wait I don't mind the floor! I mean, it's your bed! I can survive on the floor!" Mahiru defends, looking at Tsubaki in utter horror. This sly fox is going to kill him one day! "Yeah Nii-san, he should be fine on the-" 

"It's fine. He can be on my bed." Kuro cut him off, looking over at Hyde before he looked over to Mahiru. "You can bunk with me tonight, my bed is big enough for the two of us. Floors aren't comfortable at all even on futons. So I don't mind you with me." Kuro said casually, as if he can't sense the inner turmoil of embarrassment Mahiru was dealing with in his head, immediately causing Mahiru to look away once his face turned bright red. But he couldn't refuse or that would be rude of him. "O-Okay then Kuro, if you don't mind it...." Mahiru reluctantly agreed, god why is Tsubaki like this? 

"Then the slumber stuff is settled, so what are we gonna do about the party now?" Kuro asked, unaware of Mahiru's reaction. "How about magic tricks! I'm super good with them!" Berukia shouted first, beaming in confidence of his skills. "Wait! I'm gonna get Lich-tan! He should be here too!" Hyde yelled for a pause before he quickly ran over to the stairs to go get his partner in crime. Sighing, Kuro rubs his ears. "What's with this yelling, calm down. Magic? Sure, as long nobody is getting put in a box, sawed in half or disappearing. Got it?" Kuro said to the magician, to which the magician grinned in succession. "You got it!~" 

"I think we could play some games! Maybe some music and some pillow fights! Like traditional slumber parties!" Mahiru smiled excitedly, to which Kuro had to look away for a moment since it was too bright for his dark soul. "That sounds so girly, plus I don't feel like being hit in the head with a pillow and get a concussion. Can't we do something that doesn't involve beating each other up?" Kuro suggested, only to be shot down when Tsubaki cut in. "I'd say that's a fun idea! Why not let out all your inner anger with hitting people with pillows! It's perfect stress relief!" 

"Yeah, until you end up suffocating your target with the pillow." 

"Well true.." Tsubaki pouted, he just really wanted an excuse to beat someone up. 

"Okay so pillow fights is a no-go." Mahiru concluded, tapping his bottom lip in thought to figure out what else they could do. "Movies?" He thought aloud, looking at the others in the room for approval. "Movies sounds great!~ As long as it's action!" Hyde announced from the stairs, dragging an annoyed Licht behind him as they return to the living room. "Ah, welcome back. But I don't mind a movie." Kuro approved, which Mahiru was happy for since Kuro really is a picky person. "Are we going to watch Venom? I sure hope so, I want to watch people get their heads bitten off." Tsubaki hints, making Mahiru look at him in thought. "Well I guess we can watch Venom, I heard a lot of good things about it. Great! Okay! I'll go start making snacks then!" Mahiru grins wide as he heads into the kitchen to gather what he needs for them. He was gonna make sure Kuro can relax comfortably as possible today after all.


Once the snacks are prepared, movie set and ready to go on netflix and everyone in their seats on the couches did everyone calm down enough to chill out. With Mahiru sitting on Kuro's left and Hyde on his right on one couch and the other three on the other with Tsubaki being in the middle. It was comfortable, everyone was quiet as the movie began. Kuro looked as if he could fall asleep at any moment, but other than that, everyone seemed to be ready for it. 

Tsubaki on the other hand got up when the movie started getting to the morning scene, covering both Kuro's eyes and Hyde's as if to block something out. "Oi, what gives?!" Hyde complained as he tried to move the hand out of the way, while Kuro tried to slap it away. "Yah, why are you blocking Tsubaki? Why us and not the others?" Kuro questioned. "Because this part is straight and we all know you two aren't~ That's why~" Tsubaki chuckled but nonetheless got his hands pushed away. "Then why aren't you covering Lich-tan's eyes too!?" 

"Oh you're right, Berukia-" 

"Don't you fucking touch me." Licht warned, to which Berukia didn't dare to cover his eyes. 

"Ugh, what a pain. Everyone shut up, Tsubaki go sit the fuck down." Kuro glared in annoyance but the youngest obeyed once the scene past, relaxing in his seat like nothing even happened and grinning to himself. His sibling didn't even deny it. 

Mahiru on the other hand couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Kuro didn't deny he was gay, and what's shocking is that Kuro didn't even look like he was bothered by it. Mahiru, personally doesn't know what sexuality he is under, maybe pansexual since he wouldn't mind anyone? But right now, he felt something strongly to Kuro, the way his eyes take in this dangerous look with those abnormal color eyes he gets lost in. And the way his body looks without that jacket on or when he's being playful to his siblings and his friend,showing happiness towards them. Mahiru wanted to see more of that. 

Realizing that he has been staring for too long, he quickly looks away before his mind wanders to dangerous places. Kuro on the other hand noticed his staring, glancing over to him to check on him in concern. Maybe Mahiru didn't like the fact that he was gay? Or well, Kuro doesn't really know what he goes under either, it's more of a spectrum really, he's just- "Kuro, would you like me to get you some cola?" Mahiru asked out of the blue, smiling at shy smile he always likes. 

Gay, he's so gay. 

"Sure." Kuro nods, watching as Mahiru got up to get him a drink, turning his head back to the movie to where Eddie was interviewing Drake. 

How was he going to look at Mahiru the same after this now?


A/N: Better and longer chapter, right? x'd it's what I promised! So here you go!~ I will be working on Journey and update that one now uwu~

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