New beginnings!

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After what felt like hours, they finally brought all of Mahiru's stuff to the house and into the living room for Mahiru to figure out where he wanted them, and it didn't take long til he got to work organizing his things into Kuro's room and in small places in the living room and dining room to give it more of a homey feeling. 

And it came out well, with the small additional decorations and knick knacks on the mantel and around the living room, it was safe to say that it did feel more at home when he was finished with decorating.

"There, all done!" Mahiru announced happily once all of his things were in order, with the help of the other three so it would go faster, he felt as if he belonged here now, that he's officially part of their family. It was an amazing feeling to him, but now he has to reward his workers that helped him make this day better. "As a reward, I'm making curry~ How does that sound?" Mahiru asked the exhausted family relaxing on the couches, laughing softly once he hears exhausted noises of affirmation. "I'll take that as a yes, rest well all of you!~ Thank you for helping!" Mahiru thanked them and headed to the kitchen to gather the supplies he needed. They worked hard, so it was what they deserve for a job well done. 


And with dinner now done and everyone getting their fill of curry, Mahiru decided to speak up over the clanking of silverware against porcelain. "So, as much as it sucks for me to say this, but tomorrow is Monday." 

"Say no more, I'd rather forget." Kuro groans, hearing Hyde groan as well at the reminder. "You could've said something so much better than that Mahiru! So unfair!" Hyde shouted with a pout. "I agree, we were having such a peaceful dinner until that came up, what a pain." Kuro complained from behind his cup of cola, but Mahiru pressed on when Licht wasn't giving his opinions on the matter. "Well someone has to remind you all! Besides, Kuro you're graduating in a month or so like you said, right? Might as well get it over with. I know Licht is also graduating since you two are old enough and nearing the end, I have at least three years plus this year and you must be going on your fourth year, right, Hyde?" Mahiru implored at the blond, whom is still cranky at the thought of going back to classes. "Yeah, Nii-san and Lich-tan are older than me but they were held back a year due to their behaviors, so they are actually in the forth year. They're nice enough to wait for me at least so we could graduate all together~ But the school wants to get rid of them so only a month isn't enough." Hyde pouted more and continues eating the rest of his curry, getting the looks of his brother and Licht, who decided to pat his head at the same time to soothe him. "We'll wait for you, so we won't go to college right away til you graduate, just take your time. Nobody is rushing you." Kuro told him, to which Hyde beams at the advice. 

"Yeah, rat. We'll wait so don't cause any trouble, you can't afford to stay back due to your idiotic nature." Licht finally spoke up, only to get another pout from the blond sibling. "So mean Lich-tan! I am trying and behaving! Why can't you give me good advice like Nii-san does!" Hyde whined, but Licht immediately kicked him under the table for that arrow to his pride. "What am I? Your Mom? I don't need to give you nice advice, that's not my job shit rat. My advice is far more superior, why? Because I'm an Angel-" 

"You wanna bet that Angel? Nii-san's is better~" Hyde challenged, but before Licht could reply with another one of his remarks, Mahiru quickly shut it down before the war could start. "How about let's not have a challenge against who can do what, but isn't there going to be a festival soon? How about let's talk about that instead?" Mahiru offered to clear the air, which it worked to his favor since Hyde and Licht stopped looking each other like they wanted a piece of each other. "You're the one that was talking about school, it's your fault Mahi-Mahi." Kuro pointed out, getting a glare from the said boy. "Well true but!-" 

"Ah ah, no. Conversation over, I win." Kuro said smugly, getting a laugh from Hyde, but only to be kicked again from the Angel. And after a hefty sigh from Mahiru, he decided that the conversation will have to be for another day. "You're lucky I'm tired, or I would've gotten back at you." Mahiru mumbled, however, Kuro heard it clearly and only gave him a challenged look. "I'll cuddle with you tonight as an apology, deal?" Kuro tried to sway him, elbowing Hyde at the same time as Licht when he laughed out.

And god, that blush on his boyfriend's face was worth it to see. 

He still won't admit that having a boyfriend now doesn't make him feel giddy on the inside. 

"I'm almost tempted not to take that offer with a face like that, Kuro." Mahiru shied, but in conclusion, he accepted Kuro's proposal for cuddling. 

"You know you won't do that, that's cat abuse." Kuro replied with his hands curled under his chin to try and look cute, and it almost took Mahiru a second to straight up reject Kuro's cuddles, but he loved being surrounded by those strong arms, so he bit his tongue before he said anything he'd regret. "Hey, speaking of which, where is the cat?" Hyde cut Mahiru off, looking around for said feline. "Oh him? The last time I saw him, he was chilling on the windowsill." Kuro answered him, getting a tilt of a head from the sibling. "When?" He asked. 

"Today, when we were bringing boxes in. He might be under the couch, but he needs to be fed, I fed him earlier-" 

"I'll feed neko-san!" Licht jumped up immediately at the opportunity, surprising the others at the table at the suddenness of it, but the three quickly cooled their composure and let Licht do his own thing, which is walking away calling out for the cat. 

"So....I take it that he likes animals..." Mahiru said to make conversation, only to get exhausted looks from the brothers as they replied to his question at the same time. 

"You have no idea."   


[A/N]: So I decided that I since I update a lot on Mondays, might as well do Mondays as chapter updates lmao. Honestly I had trouble with this chapter and It's probably not good at all, but I'll try to make it better in future chapters, but until next time!~ Stay safe, wash hands, don't go outside and get fat :> Okya, drink water while you get fat on food :> You're all hella beautiful~ ^^ 

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