Planning to London!~

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Kuro called his employer when he had mentioned that he would ask, not moving away from Roku since he trusted that his sibling wouldn't tell anyone or get mad, like he knew Hyde and the others would. Thankfully, however, they allowed Roku to help on his tasks that he had to do. 

So they were now reading the email they sent him, discussing the plan on how to keep the others from knowing what he is doing, and it was such a big help and he hopes that they wouldn't try to get Roku to work for them too. 

"This is a lot for only one person, I'm glad I asked if I could help. I can pull a few strings to keep this on the down-low. Then after your tasks are done, I'll quit and you can defend me in court, deal?" Roku says, turning his head towards his brother to see the nod. "That's what I thought when I read it, but that's fine. Deal. I can pull strings on my side too, to keep you out of prison. If you need to hide, you could always stay here til it's safe, okay?" 

"How sweet of my big brother offering me to live with him~" 

"Ugh, you're such a pain." Kuro grunts out with an eye-roll, but he doesn't deny it.

And right on time, they closed their laptops after erasing any traces of suspicious activity on Kuro's laptop just in case Mahiru or the others need to get on it for any reasons, but he was glad they didn't need it as often since the laptop was his work laptop. They said they didn't want to break it on accident, and in this case, he didn't want them to break it. 

But here they came in from school, being as loud as always as Roku and Kuro clean up the books and papers they used when they were doing their classes, both of them sighing at the volume. 

"We're home!~" Hyde announced, taking his shoes off alongside the other two with him. "Welcome home, we all need to have a little talk." Kuro greeted, looking at the noisy bunch. 

They weren't expecting the tone of voice the eldest had, the three all looked at each other, accusing them on what they did. "Okay, who got in trouble?" Mahiru looked between the two lovers, only for Licht to look at Hyde. "Yeah rat, the hell did you do?!" 

"I didn't do anything! What do you mean what did I do! He looked at you too! Hell, you could be guilty with something too! Not just us!" Hyde pointed at Mahiru, getting a look from Mahiru. "What would've I done?" 

"Mahiru didn't do anything, I'm sure that he would berate himself in hateful speech if he so dropped a pencil during an exam." Licht defends, Mahiru wanted to thank him, but he felt that he would add fuel to the fire. 

"Would you all shut up? So troublesome, just set your bookbags down and get over here. Homework can wait for a bit. None of you did anything bad, but if I hear from the school about something, then I'll be mad. But I'm not mad." Kuro spoke up, eyeing the three as he reassured them, seeing the trio relax and obey his command on setting their bags down at the table, coming over to the couch to sit and wait. 

Kuro decided that he would let the three and Roku sit on the couch while he sat on the other side of the coffee table on the floor. And as they get comfortable, he caught Roku motioning if he should sit next to him, so he replied with a hand wave for him to do what he wants, and that would be him moving over for Roku to sit beside him. "Alright. Me and Roku have been talking while you guys were in school. And I would suggest you all hold your comments til I ask for them." Kuro starts, looking at Hyde who was about to say something snarky, but he held back for his own sake of not being punished. "We were planning on heading to London the same week Roku has to go back. So at the end of this week at most, however, I would like to bring you three along, but if you don't want to come, that is alright, I withheld getting plane tickets until you guys get back, I didn't want to make the choice without your approvals first. We were planning a week stay for a two week stay depending on how long we have to be there for something. But London is the only place where we can find the cure to my sickness, so that is why we are going." Kuro told them. "You may speak now, one at a time. So Hyde, you first since it seems you can't hold it in any longer." he adds. 

"You seriously think that your cure is there? You serious?! If you say the trip is about that, of course we'll come along! You're acting like you've been caught doing something bad and you're being forced to admit on what you were doing! You should've bought the tickets!" Hyde exclaimed, looking at the other two beside him. "You guys agree right?" 

"You should've bought them or at least called to tell us, we'll come." Licht adds on, agreeing with Hyde. 

"It's okay Kuro, really, we would love to come and help as much as we can, I'll ask my Uncle if I can go, but what about our classes?" Mahiru asks after his agreement. 

"I've already thought everything over with my brother. I'll buy you three your own laptops tomorrow, you'll be like me and getting things done virtually. I'll even call the school to let them know. I'll have to call them a week early or a few days early to get everything ready by the time we fly there. So if you three agree, it's best to pack early on what you're bringing to London." Kuro tells them, looking at Mahiru after. "We will translate for you, since me, Hyde, Angel-chan and Roku speak English, okay?" 

"Thank you Kuro for thinking of me, we will prepare after we get homework done and eat, okay? I'll cook, you buy those tickets, alright?" Mahiru smiled at him in thanks, getting up to kiss his partner's forehead, leaving towards the table to get his homework done quick before he starts making dinner for everyone. "Uhuh..." is all Kuro could say since he was dumbfounded that Mahiru would kiss his head like that, sometimes he really does forget Mahiru could be affectionate in front of others. "Nii-san is gonna be getting us laptops~ How exciting~ I always wanted my own but couldn't afford it~" Hyde beamed, but was caught off guard by Kuro responding to him. "I better not be seeing any porn on said laptops, they aren't meant for that." 

"Nii-san! How vulgar of you!" Hyde screeched while Roku could only laugh histerically. He knew his big brother more than anyone, Kuro can be very vulgar at times and he absolutely loved it.

"What a pain, go do your homework." Kuro orders, pointing to the dining table where Mahiru had already began his work, ignoring how Hyde whined as he got up to obey with Licht by his side. "I guess you really don't show all of you with these guys, huh?" Roku said as he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes, calmed down now after his fit of hysterics. "I suppose not, things changed and so have I during the years here.." Kuro replies, resting his chin against the cool table. He knew he really should get those tickets and call the school, but now he wished he went to London sooner. 

"Kuro? Hey big brother, you okay?" Roku called out as he noticed the all knowing signs of his cursed condition, laying a hand on his forehead to feel for a fever as always, but he was lucky that there isn't one. Either way though, his sibling needed his rest, he worked too hard. "Hey, I think it's time you rest now, you've been stressing and you shouldn't have. Let me help you up." Roku offers, sliding his arms under Kuro's to pull him away from the table to help him up and onto his feet. "I'll do all the calling and ticket buying, you sleep til dinner. Shoo shoo." Roku adds as he makes sure Kuro could stand correctly so he could head up the stairs, hearing Kuro grunting at how his sibling ordered him, but he knew it was for a good reason. "Yeah yeah...thanks Roku, wake me up when dinner is done then." Kuro sighs out, leaving to walk up said stairs to his room. It caught the attention of the trio at the dining table, so he waved it off. "He stressed out too much, I sent him off to bed. I'll buy the tickets and stuff as he rests. Don't worry too much, I'll check him when he's done." Roku reassures, sitting back down at the coffee table to open his laptop to book tickets back home. He was excited to head back home with his brother, to be able to show the three others where they came from, where Kuro came from. Gear may not like the idea of his brother coming back, but Roku knew that Gear forgave Kuro. Maybe not Roku just yet for what he did to get caught up into this mess, but he knows Gear still likes his brother, he's hoping that Gear would allow them back into the home that originally belonged to Kuro. 

Roku then widened his eyes and glanced over to Mahiru. 

"Oh shit..." 


[A/N]: OH HI! HELLO IT'S ME, YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD BITCH- okno, I speed ran through this chapter with some breaks in between, but HAH! I GOT IT >:Y! I can easily write a chapter in a day, just give me a couple of hours and I'd be good, but noooo I have to prolong it like a dumb ass, BUT I STILL GOT IT ON MONDAY SO Y'KNOW WHAT! FUCK IT! 

Sunburns hurt! but uh uhm, . _ . !!! *throws this chapter at y'all* Hope y'all enjoyed as me and my wife has been screaming at each other on discord cause I was almost done BUT WENT TO GO HELP FIX THE WASHING MACHINE! BUT IT'S ALL GOOD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

:> see y'all next time~ 

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