Discharge and deep thoughts.

212 17 13

This chapter is from the help of SateSateSate209 and Maru_sama737 <3 Thank you! 

And thank you Maru for all the inspiration, motivation and support :> I would've never been able to continue this without your help ^^~


After a week of being treated for his injuries and a few days of his siblings and Mahiru keeping a close eye on him, he was finally allowed to leave the house alone. After so many times he tries to reassure and plead them to just let him go outside without their permission and supervision, and even though he doesn't plead or beg much, the fresh air and the sun on his skin felt nice, so it was worth it to say the least. 

So here he is, outside to go to the store while Hyde, Mahiru and Licht were at school for the day. The school decided that to put his mental health and his health in general in mind by letting him take virtual classes and work from home. And it was nice of them, as Mahiru put it, and he agreed. Now he could get things done at home as well as graduate without really risking his health until he gets his disease dealt with. Ah, right, he still needs to schedule that appointment...But for now, he will just do much needed shopping. 

And today, Mahiru is cooking Udon, so he needs to buy the ingredients as well as some essentials like cleaning supplies and snacks or else Mahiru and the other two will die it seems. Sighing as he took one good look at the shopping list that Mahiru and the other two wrote for him to get, he headed inside to grab a basket to start at the closest aisle, which was the snack aisle of course. 


After thirty or so minutes of finding everything and checking out, Kuro left to head back home. Of course checking his phone for any messages from friends and family that are concerned for his health as always, but seeing no messages that are important, he replies to them and pockets his phone. It's only seven something in the morning, so he knows that he'll be alone for seven more hours. At this time, Kuro is glad for the quiet and the peace, but ever since what he had done to himself, he felt lonely. There were nobody to talk to, nobody to just be there for comfort, nobody to reassure him..he was completely alone and he honestly wished he didn't let the three go to school today, but he also didn't want to admit that he needed anymore help, it was such a pain to admit it, but he'll admit it now, even if nobody is listening to his thoughts. 

Sighing heavily at the darkness he's feeling, he just quickly wanted to go home and cry in the safety of his home. So looking up so he could see where he was going, his breath catches in his throat, body going numb at the sight of someone almost similar to him, it was impossible! There was no way he was alive, right? Why? Why? After he had forgotten!

He knew the man wasn't his Father, but he willed his body to run anyways, he was close to home so surely, surely he would make it there and hide himself from the world again. Maybe he should've had someone else go to the store while he did his classes, but nobody would've expected this....

Reaching the driveway and opening the gate, he didn't make it in time into the house before he collapsed onto the steps....

---------Flashback time :>------------

"Hey, stop hitting him! Everytime I come home from work, he's always banged up and I know it isn't because he's tripping over his own feet!" His Mother shouted when she opened the door into their little cottage. His Father, however, ignore her shouts as he read the morning paper. She decided to take third shift for her job so she would be home before her husband would abuse their children. It was always the mornings and she wanted to make sure he wouldn't hurt their oldest child again, but it looked as if he had also changed tactic by beating him at night when she had to leave. And it's starting to really piss her off. 

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