Part 2 [NSFW]

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The more Mahiru moved his hips, the more sounds came from Kuro, and honestly, Mahiru didn't want it to stop. Hell, he wanted to feel more. 

"Kuro....I don't think I can-" Mahiru started but he got cut off by Kuro flipping their positions so that Mahiru is beneath him and Kuro was above. "I got you." Kuro mumbled as he began to grind their bodies together again, and the position, it felt so divine. But it wasn't enough, and surely Kuro knew that as well if he pulled away to yank Mahiru's pajama bottoms right off to throw them off to the side, leaving Mahiru in his boxers. However, in a fit of lust, Kuro stopped to look down at Mahiru for his consent, he didn't want to traumatize him after all. "Are you sure this is what you want? Once I start, I'm not going to stop til the end." Kuro told him, giving Mahiru the time to properly think it over. 

Did he want sex this early in his life? Is it responsible of him to? Probably not, but he trusts Kuro, really, he does and it hurts to only be a friend to him. So he wanted Kuro to be his before anyone else takes him. So looking up at Kuro, Mahiru gently rested his hands on his cheeks to pull him down a bit so their noses are touching, giving him a gentle smile. "As long as you're doing it, then I don't mind. Don't stop Kuro." Mahiru reassured him, to which Kuro hums and places a gentle kiss onto his lips to answer him. "Alright, if you don't like something, push me away, it won't hurt my feelings." 

And with that said, Kuro pulls back to strip off his shirt, leaving Mahiru to gape at his lean and toned body. Mahiru really wanted to run his hands over that body, but he would be interrupting Kuro stripping. "You like what you see, Mahi?" Kuro couldn't help but tease when he noticed, earning a bright blush from the other. "Don't mess with me Kuro! Who wouldn't?"

Maybe he shouldn't have said that, because once Kuro heard that, a rare shit-eating grin started forming on his face. "Really?" Kuro asked, already knowing the answer. "Shut up! Now come on Kuro, no time like the present!" Mahiru demanded, receiving a low chuckle from the other as he lowered his own pajama bottoms to join Mahiru. "Yes Mommy." Kuro said with a fake whine. It was fun messing with the brunet sometimes. 

So continuing on, Kuro returned to grinding up against Mahiru, to which in turn, Mahiru wrapped his legs around his lower back to keep him from pulling away. But once again, it wasn't enough for the both of them, Kuro wanted to feel something tight around him and Mahiru, full. Therefore, in a desperate attempt for that to happen, Mahiru slid his hand down Kuro's stomach to his boxers, squeezing Kuro's dick though the cloth and hearing the older let out a shaky groan. Great, now Kuro might actually do something. "Mahiru...." Kuro breathed, grinding up against Mahiru's hand with a low grunt. "Kuro." Mahiru replied just as breathless as the other. Resulting in Kuro moving back just a bit to pull down his boxers, he was getting serious now and Mahiru couldn't wait. "Alright, let's stop playing games now. Let's get to the real thing." Kuro decided, pulling Mahiru's boxers right off as well to throw it onto the floor. "Took you long enough." Mahiru complained, but gotten a chuckle from Kuro. "Bossy." 

Nevertheless, Kuro leans over Mahiru to the drawer of his side table, pulling out a unwrapped bottle of lube and a condom, gaining the attention of the other beneath him. "What? Condom or no?" Kuro asked, which gained a blush from Mahiru, who is trying to hide his face with his hands. "How can you act so normal for your first time Kuro! But....I know you're safe and I am too, it's gonna be easier to clean up if we used them..." Mahiru reluctantly answered, which, Kuro nodded and tore another one off for Mahiru to use as well. "Aight, and me? Acting normal? Maybe that's just me being confident, Mahi. You were being all confident earlier, where did that go?" Kuro implored before tearing a condom packet open to slip it onto Mahiru's dick first, hearing the owner of it let out a sound between a groan and a moan. 

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