What you've all been waiting for!~

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[A/N]: There is manga spoilers in this, I'm sorry ._.


They somehow were able to both reach the bathroom without being caught by others within the house. They've planned out everything if they were to get caught as they cleaned up themselves and gotten dressed enough to seem like nothing happened between the two. Even though, obviously, something happened. But that would be kept secret for awhile. Probably.

So once they prepared the bath and stripped off their clothes, they both slowly got into the bath together. Kuro settling behind Mahiru and the brunet settling against Kuro's chest.

It was nice to say the least, with Kuro holding him close in complete silence, it made him feel warmer than the bath water. But there was a lingering thought that Mahiru couldn't ignore.

"Hey Kuro?"


"Does this mean we're dating?" Mahiru asked, not daring to look at the other behind him, since the question was clear it caught his partner off guard. "Mahiru, I'm not the type to have sex friends or any type of friends in general. Yes, we are dating." Kuro told him with enough certainty that Mahiru didn't think he could chalk it up as a lie. So Mahiru smiled brightly in result, immediately turning around in his partner's hold to properly face him, which makes said partner turn his head away due to the nerves. "What? Such a pain...can't deal..." Kuro mumbled, but it got a soft chuckle from Mahiru nonetheless. "Nothing~ But this now means that you have to tell me about yourself, got it? I want to know more about you and in return, I will tell you about myself, deal?" Mahiru proposed with a determined look on his face. "Ah, damn...what will you repay me with by telling you my deepest secrets?" Kuro asked as he turned back to face his new lover, getting a pout out of him. "I shouldn't have to pay you to give me information about yourself Kuro, I'll wait, but I'll make you some ramen after our bath, okay? Only if you answer one question at least. It's a fair deal, don't you think?" Mahiru bargained with a grin, causing the other to sigh heavily but nevertheless agree on the conditions of such bargain. "Fine, deal. What do you wanna know?"

"It may be a stupid question, but where in Japan were you born in? I'd love to visit-"

"I wasn't born here." Kuro cut him off, which, caught Mahiru off guard. "Huh? But you speak really good japanese, you're not from Japan?" Mahiru implored curiously, seeing the shake of Kuro's head to indicate a no. "No, I'm from a little countryside of London" Kuro said, and Mahiru was shocked. "London? No way, so you can speak English? Who taught you how to speak Japanese?" Mahiru questioned, but he realized that maybe he was overstepping boundaries. "Yes, London and yes, I can speak English. I'm a working guy after all. But I self taught when I came here since the others all decided to come here for a new life." Kuro answered, dropping his head back. "After all, what we called family brought us all here." He added. Mahiru decided that it would be best to drop the subject for now, seeing that Kuro was becoming on guard once again due to the mention of the man who raised them. But, it was still a nice thought that he's dating a foreigner. He always wanted to go to London. Wait, where even is London?

"Thank you Kuro, you don't have to say anything else that you are uncomfortable with sharing. I know that you will tell me in due time, so I'll wait. That information was enough, so thank you for telling me. So as promised, I will make you homemade ramen, okay?" Mahiru smiled proudly at Kuro, taking his partner's face to bring it back to face him.

Nodding, Kuro agreed. "You're welcome, but alright. Now it's your turn, what are you willing to sacrifice in return? Nothing too obvious though like your favorite food and favorite colors and stuff. I already know." He said, and thinking simply, Mahiru had to tell him something he doesn't know, Mahiru is a chatterbox sometimes. "Well...I'm an only child, so I've always been alone in my apartment when my Mother died in an accident when I was really young...and my Uncle has been at his job for months at a time..." Mahiru started, pausing as he looked down, looking for words to continue. "So it's been lonely, and I know nothing about my Father, so I only have my Uncle as family as I know." Mahiru finish, looking up to Kuro, whom gives him an expectant look. "You're missing something in that last part, Mahiru." Kuro pointed out, making Mahiru attempt to figure out what he missed, until it dawned upon him. "And you too! You're my family too, but I meant bloodline family, but you are just as important as bloodline family, you and your siblings and their friends, I'm glad you let me in and I cannot tell you how happy and full of life you made my life become, I can't thank you enough and show how much gratitude I-" Mahiru pauses since he was cut off, feeling lips press against his so quickly that he couldn't register it at first. And it felt nice, melting into that kiss and letting his arms wrap around Kuro's nape to pull him closer til Kuro pulled back. Causing the other to make a curious face to figure out the reason for it. "What was that for?"

"You were rambling, I thought kissing you would shut you up."

"You!" Mahiru shouted and flicked his partner on the forehead. "I was telling you how you made my life better Kuro!"

"And I get that, Mahiru. I know life must've sucked in the past for you, and I understand because I have been through it too. I'm biologically an only child too by birth. And it sucks and it's lonely but with friends or with adopted family with you by your side, you learn that it's yourself that's making you feel down. Yeah, maybe the apartment gets lonely or yeah, your Uncle doesn't visit often, but you could always do sleepovers or parties or whatever teenagers do that's responsible and appropriate for your age. It's us that gets ourselves down, we can't control our feelings, but we can do something about, thinking simply, you think of the things that makes you feel alive, and you won't feel so dead inside so often. You think too much, but you don't think of stuff like that, Mahi." Kuro sighed, leaning his head back again to relax for a few more minutes. "Kuro...." Mahiru begins, tongue tied on how to answer him. "You don't have to say anything right now, Mahiru, just lean against me and relax. I'll be the light to your darkness like how you are a light to mine. Alright?" Kuro tells him, and Mahiru smiles, bright and cheerful as he did was he was told, leaning forward against the toned body of the person he came to love to relax. "Alright, thank you again..." Mahiru says, hearing a low hum from the Eldest. "Anytime."


After their bath, they got dressed in clean clothing so they could head downstairs to eat. And seeing the looks the others gave, they were definitely being suspected of being closer than they thought.

"Sooooo, what took you both so long, hm?" Hyde grins against the table. The others have obviously already eaten and thankfully, Mahiru and Kuro took long enough not to see Tsubaki and Berukia leave to go back to their house, they didn't want to deal with them anyways.

But Mahiru was trying to come up with words to explain why they took forever, and luckily, Kuro beat him to it. "We overslept and I felt sore when I woke up, so I asked Mahiru for a massage, we didn't pay attention to the time." He lied, but he lied good enough for Hyde and Licht to believe for now. "Well makes sense, I made breakfast but you two took so long, so you will have to microwave them both. Have a massage after you eat. So you could be fed first. Got it?" Hyde told the Eldest, receiving a sigh and a nod. "Fine." Kuro sighs, looking at Mahiru. "You go first, I could hear your stomach growling. I could wait."

And to that, Mahiru quickly grabs his plate, which is colored orange, to microwave it first.

He really owes it to Kuro and his family, maybe Kuro is right, it won't be so lonely if he thinks of the happy things right?"

"Hey Mahi?" Kuro called out.

"Yeah Kuro?" Mahiru replied.

"How about you move in with us?" 


[A/N]: Just know, that I actually wrote this all today in the span of an hour or two. I have a cat currently laying over my chest, and somehow, I didn't get distracted about the blood on my thumb from a cut that idk how I got. bUT! Kuro is british! Hell yeah >:'Y cause like, I'm part british too and that makes me happy uwu, and it's canon that Mahiru forgot where London is xdddd, but if you guys want to talk to me, add me on Discord, I'm on there everyday for all day xd I gotchu all ( 怠惰#3374 )

Fun fact: I only had the mood to write because I read a KuroMahi fanfic that upsetted me and I needed something fluffy like this. :> 

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