Coffee & Confusing feelings.

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"Kuro! Are you sure you're well enough to go to school today?" Mahiru called out, running up to said teen, friend and sibling, clearly worried about the others' health. "I'm fine...If I miss more days of school, then I won't graduate within half a month.." Kuro sighed, rubbing his tired eyes with the palm of his hand. "Ah, you're right.. but be careful alright? Need coffee?" Mahiru asks as he holds up a thermos in front of the bluenet, who looks at it like it's his life blood. Without a word, Kuro takes the thermos and takes a few gulps of it, handing it back to Mahiru with a soft "Thanks.." 

Mahiru hums softly when he takes his thermos back, now Kuro looks much more alert and awake, maybe coffee is what he runs on everyday before he gets everyone up? 

"Anytime! How come you didn't get any after you woke up? Did something happen?" Mahiru asked, taking his own sip of his drink with a smile. "Yeah, Hyde broke the coffee maker so he's gonna buy a new one after school. Isn't that right, Hyde?" Kuro glares, hearing a squeak come from the blond, hiding behind Licht as if he'll protect him. "Ye-Yeah I'll get a new one after school Nii-san...~" Hyde stutters, but gains confidence again when his Eldest sibling softens his glare to his emotionless one. "Good, now let's get to class before all of us gets marked up for being late." Kuro, reminds them, walking off and leaving his sibling and friends behind. "W-Wait Nii-san don't leave us behind..!" Hyde chased after his Eldest, forcing Mahiru and Licht to walk faster to catch up to the brothers. 


They all somehow managed to reach their respective classes with one minute to spare due to the stop Hyde had to make to tie his shoe after tripping over it at least twice. Lunch break approached too quickly, but that was just fine for the siblings and Mahiru. 

Hanging around Kuro and the other two, Mahiru thought, were fun and interesting. Experiencing more things in life with new people felt exciting to him. Getting to see new things, feel new feelings and be in new places instead just sticking between going straight to his lonely apartment or occasionally going to the store for necessities for survival. He wanted to be apart of this more fun side of life. 

"Hey guys, where's Kuro?" Mahiru asked once he walked over to the third years side of the cafeteria, sitting down with his bento Kuro made for him, alongside Hyde and Licht with their own lunches. "Nii-san said he had to take care of something and so he told us to eat without him if he doesn't show up when you do." Hyde answers, opening his bento lid and taking out his chopsticks. "Oh? Did he tell you what he has to do?" Mahiru frowned, disappointed that Kuro has to do something before eating. He must be hungry, right? 

"He didn't say, but he was in a hurry." Licht decided to speak up next, copying the other with digging into his meal. Mahiru nodded, deciding not to question the others further in what the Eldest does when the they're not around. 

It doesn't take long for Kuro to show up, taking his seat acrossed his fifth sibling with a tired sigh, setting down his lunch on the table. "What happened Nii-san?" Hyde asked before Mahiru got any sort of question out of his own mouth. "Mm..? Ah English teacher wanted me to do something for her, had to run down to the first year area to hand in worksheets for another class. So tiresome." Kuro replied, finally able to eat after doing the given task. "Oh, speaking of that.. Kuro, do you only have one class since you've already went through the other classes last year?" Mahiru tilts his head, opening his mouth to take a bite of the simple lunch. Omurice. 

"Yeah, If I get enough done after a few weeks. I might just be able to ditch this place. Well, that's what the English teacher told me." Kuro shrugs, twisting his head to look to the brunet, who looks like he's enjoying the lunch he made him a bit too much.. "Oh, so three weeks probably?" Mahiru inquired, recieving a nod from the bluenet. Bummer. "Ah, but I've been given a spot in the staff to teach self defence in the gym." Kuro added. Mahiru perked up upon hearing this, smiling at the Eldest with a nod. That means he would still be able to hang out with Kuro, his sibling and friend more. 

"You must be a very good fighter, Ne Kuro?" Mahiru grins, passing his empty bento box to Kuro, who sets it in his bag along with the other two empty containers his sibling and friend passed over to him.

"I guess?" Kuro mumbled, finishing up his lunch and packing it up. "Nii-san is the greatest fighter in our family! You should show him when we get home Nii-san!" Hyde winks, getting a kick on the shin under the table by his partner in crime. "Shut it shit rat!" 

"Now Now, you two." Kuro warned, looking directly into the eyes of the troublemakers in front of him, getting his point across to NOT  cause anything this year. "Jeez... Lunch is almost up. Hyde, Licht, you're in my class. Let's roll." Kuro stood, but didn't move away until he spots Mahiru also getting up to head to his own class. "Mahi, come over if you can. Don't ask, just do it." Kuro tells him before leaving with the other two. 


Jokes on him, he would never ask why he needed to come over. 


[A/N] AHH FINALLY MADE A NEW CHAPTER! PROUD YET? I SURE AIN'T LMAO it's short and it sucks like hell but i got it done dammet x'd Like I had a writers block on this fic but >:'U I STILL GOT IT - SORTA??? Oh well xd ONWARDS! ENjoyed it? Cool, thinks it needs more work? Yeah xd I know x'd RIP Thanks for reading thus far! 

Also, >:U Kuro is starting to like Mahi so there might be a lil somethin' somethin' later xd 

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