Chapter 11

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When the clubs finally ended, Mahiru immediately ran to Kuro's house, he was excited of course that Kuro would tell him to come over with no questions asked. Though, the only question he has is; what did Kuro need from him? 

Knocking on the door, he could hear multiple people talk within the household, a few he didn't hear before and a few that were familiar, did another sibling stop by? Does Kuro want him to meet his siblings? "Kuro?" Mahiru called out, maybe he didn't hear his knock due to the loud voices within? Mahiru raised his hand to knock again but before he could, the door opens to a familiar figure with blue hair. "Good, you're here. Come on." Kuro sighs in relief, taking Mahiru's hand and taking him towards the voices, closing the door with his foot before he dragged him off. 

"Here he is, now would you let it go?" Kuro grumbled, pulling Mahiru in front of his body to present him towards a mysterious blond with what looks like... a doll? "You're the Mahiru I've been hearing about?~" The man grinned, Mahiru didn't pay too much attention to the male however, he was more curious on why the male was carrying a doll around like it was the most prized possession he owns. "Don't look at Abel with such lustful eyes!" The male gasps, hiding the doll against his chest while petting the doll's head. Now that was strange.. "I'm not! But yes I'm Shirota Mahiru, could I ask who you are?" Mahiru asks, sticking close to Kuro's side just in case this guy did something stupid and he wanted nothing to do with it. "He's my brother. Mikuni Alicein" comes another voice. Turning, he spots another familar person, Misono Alicein. "Wait, your brother? You two look nothing alike?" Mahiru replied furrowing his brows as he looks between the brothers, looking for anything similar but was left with nothing. "Tch, who cares about similaries, I don't want none of his features anyways." Misono rolled his eyes, stepping further into the room towards the brunet, eyeing him up and down as if he were silently judging his clothing style. "That is mean Misono-chan! Bullying your brother like this! I'm hurt!" Mikuni feigns hurt, cuddling the doll closer towards his face mumbling some words he couldn't understand. "Moving on, Shirota you're going to serve me, I won't take no for an answer." Misono points defiantly, making the poor brunet tilt his head in confusion. "Serve you? Sorry but I don't do that. How about we be friends instead?" Mahiru offers with a smile, catching Misono off guard. "A friend..?" Misono spoke softly, almost like he didn't trust his own words. "Yeah! A friend! How 'bout it Misono?" Mahiru offers, sticking out his fist out in a fist bump in an official friendship of some sort. "F-Fine, but you won't get any special treatment!" Misono stammered, turning his blushed face away to look for his companion, but when he didn't see him, he realized him and Mahiru were the only ones in the living room. "Where did everyone go?" Misono wonders aloud, scanning the room for the others. "I didn't feel Kuro leave! Should we go to them? I believe they left to let us have time to speak alone." Mahiru told him, chuckling as he took Misono's hand to follow him, locating the siblings and their friends. 

"Wait." Misono stopped, regaining Mahiru attention as he turns to face the smaller friend, raising a brow for him to continue. "Why do you want to involve yourself in Sloth's life? What is your purpose here Shirota? Sabotage?" Misono questioned,  eyeing the brunet seriously. He just wants to protect those who are close to him and that includes Sloth and the others. He doesn't mind the brunet, he just didn't like the way he just shoved his way into everyone's life, it seemed too suspisious. 

"O-Of course not! The day I first met him, he looked miserable and thought he needed a friend! I didn't know he had all of you until I met Hyde and Licht and got to know that he has 8 siblings! I'm worried about him and I want to help him. Thinking simply, if one is struggling, someone has to help right? I would do that job if you think it's okay. I don't want to burden anyone.." Mahiru replied in a rush, hoping to gain the trust of the younger friend. 

"I see. I will see if you are telling me the truth, just because we're friends doesn't mean I will accept it so easily. Now, let's go look for them Shirota." Misono finished, moving around Mahiru towards the kitchen where the others were, eating Kuro's freshly made snacks. 

"Ah, you two done?" Kuro was first to ask, looking over Hyde - who was attempting to protect him from the others as they ate. "Yes, we are finished for now but that will be for another day Sloth, what are you eating..?" Misono inquired, raising a brow as he stepped closer when Kuro beckoned him to, showing a butterfly cut out sandwich expecially made for him. The smaller teen blushed but took the sandwich anyways, thanking the eldest for the snack. "It was unnessisary for you to cut it out as a butterfly..But I won't complain." Misono blushed again, looking away from the looking eyes.

From the back, Mahiru saw the whole thing quietly. They were like a big family, his sibling's friends included. Yet he was the only one who isn't a family friend, like an outsider, forcing their way into someone's life just to make everything complicated. He hoped he wasn't complicating things, instead, helping the fatherly figure to those who are close to him. 

Maybe then they'll trust him, so he'll go slow and give the family space. Getting trusted slowly will be better than constantly forcing himself into everyone's problems. It will take time, but he's patient. Thinking simply, the slow wins the race.

[AYEEEEEEEEEEEEE Hello lmao I live?? kInda? Man idk *shrugs* Anyways;;; uh here's thaat chapter, I got sidetracked and I was like "GDI" yisus. There might be mistakes? I don't have the autocorrector on so my english could've failed at some points? *squints* Maybe? But anyways! Enjoy!~] 

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