The game continues!

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Once the guests had left, Hyde immediately ran to the living room to the gaming system, picking up a controller with a sinister grin towards Mahiru than towards his brother for permission. 

Kuro took one long look from his sibling than to the controller, picking up the pieces before nodding, allowing Hyde to set the system up for another round of horror gaming. "Alright, I believe we left off in a corridor? Does everyone remember specifically?" Kuro asked them as he starts preparing snacks while he's in the kitchen, Mahiru taps his chin to attempt to remember the last checkpoint until Hyde blurted it out before he was even able to open his mouth. "That room after the asshole monster guy tried to kill us." Hyde grinned, starting the station and pressing the start button on all four controllers. "Ah yeah, that guy. Alright, you guys go take a seat, snacks are almost done." Kuro tells them with a wave of his hand, dismissing the three to settle down in the living room.

Once the snacks were finished, Kuro finally joins the others, setting the tray full of sweets and sandwiches for them to snack on until dinner. "Follow me." Kuro told them upon starting the game to where they last were, moving swiftly out of the door and into another room bigger than the room they were just in. "Nii-san, what's this?" Hyde furrowed his brows as he tries to make out some object on the floor by a dead looking monster thing he couldn't name. "Don't touch it if you don't want all of us dead in an instant." Kuro warned once he set his eyes on his brother's pov screen, looking back to his own to gather supplies as well as the other two doing the same. "How will it kill us all though? It looks like some weapon, why can't we take it?" Hyde questioned again, looking at his brother this time to read the Eldest's expression. "The thing by it isn't dead, and if you take that weapon then it'll wake up and call out for reinforcements and all of us are screwed." Kuro explains, glancing over to Hyde for a split moment before continuing what he led them to the room to do. "How do you know that? Have you played this before-"

"Shit rat you ask too many questions, there was a gameplay on the internet and it showed some idiot taking the thing." Licht glared but it wasn't heated since he was too busy trying to do his part as a support to collect things they need along with Mahiru. "Ohhh! Okay. Don't touch it, gotcha." Hyde grins and moves away to collect a weapon from the unopened cache in a corner. "So what you're saying, is that one wrong move in this room can get us all killed immediately?" Mahiru turns to Kuro with a raised brow, getting a nod from the Eldest in confirmation to his thoughts. "Well shoot." Mahiru replied with a nervous expression as he searched the room with different guns and medical supplies that lied within, hoping not to trigger a trap. "Mahiru, follow Hyde and Licht, you follow me. We'll have to split up at this next area." Kuro ordered, splitting up with Licht into another room while Mahiru followed Hyde in another. That's until there was shooting involved in the room the Eldest and Licht went in.

"Nii-san do you need help?" Hyde looked to his brothers' POV with the monster he's currently trying to kill, worried that his Eldest will die and get pissed off due to it. "Nah, this one is actually easy. You two continue forward to the exit, there will be a hallway that connects to this room and to yours. Meet us there, you won't have to kill anything so pick everything up on your way there." Kuro uttered mid-battle, Hyde nods and follows orders, ushering Mahiru to follow him to the hall where they were meeting the other two, patiently waiting.

"Alright, done. Let's go Licht, heal me." Kuro finally sighed out in relief, moving towards Licht - who is crouching down behind an old filing cabinet to stay out of the Eldests' way and so he also doesn't get killed - "Alright." Licht nods and heals him right away, getting up from his hiding spot to follow Kuro to the joining hallway of Hyde and Mahiru. "You made it!" Hyde cheered, spamming his crouch button in celebration of some sorts. "Well yeah, now come on. There's gonna be a hard part soon and I'll need your help Hyde. Get your M4 and equip it." Kuro planned, equipping his own MP5 to prepare for the worst. Like a boss battle. "Don't tell me the next big room we go to is going to have a boss Nii-san..." Hyde whined, doing what he was told to do nonetheless. "Alright I won't say anything-" "Wow okay, listen here smartass." Hyde pointed to his sibling with a grin, making the corners of Kuro's lips quirk up just slightly. He was enjoying their game nights. "Just follow me, either we get this over with now or do it later. I sure don't want to fight this ugly thing later." Kuro decides, giving Mahiru and Licht machine guns to help out as well. "How big is this boss?" Mahiru asked, equipping the gun he was given. "You know that big guy in the first Darksiders? The one with this green guy controlling it? That big." Kuro describes, making the other three pale at ther next fight. "You've got to be kidding... It took forever for Sakuya to beat that guy... He died at least 20 times before finally killing it." Mahiru told him, making Kuro look at the brunet with pity. "Alright then, Mahiru you stay back and provide healing, there will also be things crawling around so kill them the best you can and keep them off us. Licht, Hyde. You know the plan?" Kuro turned to face them next, arching a brow in silent question for their answers. "Shoot the thing until it dies, right?" Hyde answers for Licht, getting a nod from his sibling. "Correct, but also dodge because when he roars, that's when he's going to do a swing attack so you either gotta jump or back away from the hit zone. The back is his weakest part as well as the gross green orb things. Got it? Good. Let's go." Kuro explained, moving forward to bloody doors and opening them, revealing the first boss.

"Oh gross, that's nasty.." Hyde chuckles at the cut scene, watching the boss swing some scythe looking weapon and roaring. "Agreed.." Licht and Mahiru spoke at the same time, glancing to each other for a second before paying attention back to the tv. "Alright, now!" Kuro shouted, making his character run up to the boss and taking everything out on the weak points, Licht and Hyde following behind him and doing the same thing as the Eldest, leaving Mahiru to have their flanks protected. 

"AH! NII-SAN I CAN'T MOVE!" Hyde screeched, furiously tapping on buttons on his controller in hope to be able to dodge attacks at his direction. "Shit, hold on Hyde." Kuro says and quickly moves his character in front of Hyde's to push him back and defend him. "YES! HA! Thank you Nii-san!" Hyde cheered, letting his gun fire once again until the three shooters are nearly dead, the boss is dead and Mahiru is also dead. 

"Mahiru you had one job! How did you even die?" Hyde laughs, watching said teen pout as he is revived by Licht first before he could heal the others and himself. "Those damn things kept coming! I was one guy against like- I don't know?! Millions! How was I supposed to kill them all by myself?!" Mahiru chided, flinging his hands up in the air in flourish. "Calm down you two, it's late. Hyde, stop being an ass and Mahiru, chill out. You did everything you could, good job in helping us stay alive. Sacrifices were made." Kuro sighs, moving his character to a save point and saving it. "Now, it's late and Licht looks exhausted and it'll be bad for him to stay up more so Mahiru, are you going to spend the night or go home?" Kuro asks, getting up and turning off the station, ushering Licht to bed before he passes out on the couch. "If it's not a burden, could I stay over?" Mahiru decides, looking to Kuro for permission. "Yeah, go home and get your stuff. The door will be locked so there's a key on top of the doorway. Lock it when you get in. I won't wake up that easily so just be quiet for Hyde and Licht. Alright?" Kuro tells him nonchalantly, waving his hand to dismiss the boy as he cleans up, sending Hyde to bed as well after the fifth sibling complains for a bit until he finally obeys the demand and heads upstairs. "Thank you Kuro! I'll be back!" Mahiru smiles, taking his jacket to leave for his things.

Kuro sighs and washes the plate that once held their snacks for their game night. "That kid is going to be the death of me.."


[A\N] OH HI THERE! Didn't you say you wanted another game chapter? It took a while but I worked on it everyday! I kept my promise~ So enjoy! >:U or I'll kill you!

okno Ily guys x'd 

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