The story of the past.

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Kuro stopped walking upon hearing the question, he knows Mahiru doesn't have any ill-intent in knowing how he got his reoccurring hell, but in all honesty, he knows he should tell him, if he's going to be dating Mahiru, he should tell him. 

Just tell him. Just that and nothing else. 

But why is he so scared? 

"That's...a very long story Mahiru, I can't be bothered to explain it or it'll end up becoming too cryptic for you. You're too simple so I might end up having to explain more on my explanation." Kuro sighed out before he started to walk again, not once facing his partner in fear of the expression he wore on his face. "Well if you explain it simply, then I'm sure I'll understand it! But I don't mind long stories, I'm a big reader after all." Mahiru tried to cheer up his partner with a big smile at his low-key joke, which caused the older male to turn to look at him with a raised brow but he let out a hefty sigh, he might as well.

"Alright, there's not a lot of things I can't tell you yet...but there's a few things that I guess I can talk about from my past, but let's eat first, I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too." Kuro relents, leading Mahiru towards a table in the far corner so they could talk in as much privacy as they can get in a lunch room crowded with other students. 

Once they sat down, they set their lunches on the table to open them, and at this point, Kuro deems it safe to talk. "Alright....I guess I can tell you, but you can't tell anyone else, this is a private thing that only me and the siblings know, Angel-chan is the only exception since he lives with us, but if you are willing to stick around, then I suppose that you should know.." Kuro starts out, taking a bite of his vegetables that he decided to have in his lunch box. Which, made Mahiru happy that he's starting to take care of himself more by eating healthy. "I won't tell anyone, I promise, I'm planning on staying, so you don't have to worry about me leaving after what you tell me." Mahiru reassured him, giving him a big smile as he started eating his own lunch they had prepared yesterday. It made Kuro relax a bit enough for him to nod in acceptance. "Alright...but It's gonna be a pain to explain, but I guess I can tell you that my Father was the one who did this to and the others....weren't exactly living in happiness back then..I am an only child, like I have told you before and my Father brought home seven others from different families since they were all orphans....He....." Kuro paused as he stared down at his lunch, suddenly feeling nauseated from the memory of his Father, Mahiru saw this and quickly rested his hand onto his partner's back for support, he really shouldn't pressure Kuro like this and he knows it, so maybe he needs Kuro to stop for the time being. "Kuro, if it makes you too uncomfortable, then don't tell me, tell me when you feel ready. I don't have to know about everything just yet, just tell me simply how you got sick and how I can help, I don't need to know about your past just yet." Mahiru told him sternly to save his partner the pain, it really hurt to see Kuro like this. Kuro nodded in agreement and relaxed, letting out a slow breath to calm himself. "Alright, well, long story short, my Father gave me medicine that ruined my body's immune system. So I'm always getting sick." Kuro told him, and it made sense why Kuro didn't want to take any medicine when he was allowed inside to help him. So then, how can he protect Kuro from getting sick again? 

"So how can I stop it?" Mahiru all but asked, and Kuro couldn't help but getting surprised even further, that Mahiru didn't even ask about his Father like how he asked when he cooked a hamburger for him on their first meeting. 

Was Mahiru really willing to wait? 

"Uh...well, I don't really know myself, my siblings have been urging me to go to the doctors for awhile or a hospital to help fix it, but I don't think it will ever be fixed, so I haven't really did it...." Kuro confessed as he scratched his cheek. Maybe with Mahiru, I guess they could find a way to reverse what his Father had done to him. "Well if we go to the hospital, they could do something for it, but I wouldn't know if it will be enough, but we could always try Kuro, I want you to get better and not so sick all the time, I'll go with you if you want?" Mahiru offered him, still remembering to eat between pauses to let Kuro answer him. "True...but I guess I don't mind you coming, I know my family is concerned for me, but they can be a bit extra when I decide to listen to thank you Mahiru.." He thanked him, going back to eating since he got that much off his shoulders for the time being, at least he doesn't have to say everything for now, but he hoped that Mahiru will still love him after what he had to do. 

"Perhaps, but of course!~ When would you wanna head there? Tomorrow after school if you can make it here?" Mahiru said as he chews on his own vegetables, looking at the watch on his wrist to calculate the time that they may go. "That's fine, I'll try to make it, but if I can't, then I'll pick you up from school and we can head to the doctors then, sounds fine?" Kuro agreed, to which Mahiru nodded, that was fine with him as long as Kuro gets to be tended to. "That's perfect~" So let's eat so we could make it to the end of the day, okay?" Mahiru smiled proudly at his partner, to which, whom blushes a bit behind his ears and down his neck at the smile. 

That smile could kill someone. 



However.....It wasn't until the next time he saw Kuro, that made him truly wished he could've done something sooner....



[A/N] HI YES, SORRY I OVERSLEPT TWO TIMES AGAIN AND INCLUDING TODAY! I haven't slept well at ALL THIS WEEK AND I'M PRETTY HIGH, SO HELLO!~ But anyways I legit went to sleep with 937 words and just zoomed af >:Y But I apologize for that last bit there, I thought it would be a nice touch to what I'm planning for next monday :> but gdi I'm tryna keep them canon as possible, so Kuro might tell Mahi more later on, but at least you know about the pills!~ whoop! But anyways, hope y'all enjoyed ^^~  See you all next week~ Stay safe :> 

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