Worrying thoughts & Relief

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After first period ended, Mahiru knew that Hyde and Kuro didn't make it to school. Most likely indicating that Kuro wasn't feeling well for it. It worried Mahiru as he sighed heavily with his chin propped up onto his palm, he really wanted to leave the school and tend to Kuro himself, but he knew that he couldn't, he needed his education just as much as they did, but it didn't stop him from thinking on how Hyde is helping his brother get better. 

Damn it, he really is a busybody. 

"Mahiruuuu~ Hello, you in there?~" Sakuya called out with his hand waving in front of his friend, causing the brunet to snap out of it to turn to his friend. "What?" Mahiru finally replied to his best friend, causing the other to feign a gasp at the moodiness that his friend is in. "Woah! Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Sakuya asked, and even though he meant it as a joke, but Mahiru was already in a bad mood since Kuro didn't come with him and Licht. Sighing at the reminder of it in worry, he forced himself to calm down. "Nobody, sorry Sakuya, I'm really not in the mood, Kuro got lightheaded this morning, probably because I made him help move my stuff from the apartment to his home since I move in yesterday, so it's probably my fault and Hyde is helping him get better, but I can't help but worry if he's okay without me." Mahiru told him truthfully, but he only ends up getting an unamused look from his friend. "Mahiru, I hate to break it to you, but Kuro is a big boy, if he can handle like seven siblings growing up, then I'm sure he is going to be just fine without you for eight hours. And if his brother is with him, then I'm sure he's tending to him as he should. He will be fine Mahiru." Sakuya tried to reassure him the best he could, at least til he's finished with his classes. "I know, I know....you're right, I just need to trust that he'll be okay and go about my day worrying about my education...but-" 

"Ah ah! No buts! Just do it Mahiru, he's fine, he's most likely sleeping it off while his brother keeps an eye on him, he could've told Tsubaki to come over as well to help, so he's in good hands." Sakuya cut him off, and as much as Mahiru wanted to glare for being cut off, he was more interested in how Sakuya actually knew the family before he did, he never really asked before. "Say, Sakuya, how did you meet Tsubaki?" Mahiru decided to ask to change the subject for the time being, which Sakuya didn't seem to mind it. "Now you ask me!~ I was waiting for this question since you met the older sibling!~" Sakuya laughed and slammed a hand onto his friend's back, startling him, but he continued. "Met him a few years ago, I was outside riding my bike and a few older kids were bullying me, so he stepped in to help!~ We've been close ever since!~" He finished, taking a hand off his friend only to sit on the boy's desk. "I see, how about Kuro? When did you meet him?" Mahiru implored further, allowing Sakuya to sit on his desk for the time being. "I knew you were gonna ask me about him. You really are a simple-minded person!~ But, I met him about two years later, Tsubaki mentioned his siblings a few times before I met them, Kuro was the first, he wanted to make sure I was a good friend to him, crazy right?~ Asked me so many questions that I thought I was being interviewed by an overprotective Father. He's a good guy though, so if you were to go out with anyone in our school, I would suggest him~" Sakuya grinned at him playfully. "Or me, that's your choice~" he added. 

Truth unbeknownst, Mahiru already picked the first. "I could see him do that, he did the same for Licht." Mahiru chuckled, he only wondered why he never got those questions regarding himself towards a partner of his choosing. "I've heard from Tsubaki about that, those two are lunatics, they are perfect for each other." Sakuya laughed with Mahiru silently agreeing. "But Sakuya, I can't keep this hidden for long, but me and Kuro...are actually a thing...we uhm, started dating yesterday, but my only question is why he never asked me anything, it's like he wants to be loved, but is always preparing to be hurt anyways, so it's pointless to ask." Mahiru told him, Sakuya stared at his friend with a gaping mouth of surprise, but he quickly shook out of it, he'll say something about his friend dating someone too early later. "Well, truthfully, I don't know much about that guy, he usually keeps to himself unless he's with his siblings, but he never talks about himself, the siblings seem to all have a common agreement not to say anything about his past too, so I would keep an open mind, if what you said could be right, then I'm sure he's been through a lot, enough for the whole family to not talk about it in respect." Sakuya revealed, and it made sense. Kuro, for what he can remember, never said much about himself, rather, more information about his siblings more than himself. He could recall Tsubaki talking about a sickness his oldest sibling has. How long has that sickness reoccurred? And how did he get it in the first place? 

"Has Tsubaki ever mention Kuro's sickness? I overheard about it when he came to take Kuro home to get him better, he said "again." So I'm assuming that he's been getting sick with the same thing over and over again. Do you know anything about it?" Mahiru questions him more, but before he could get an answer, the bell rings and Sakuya had to return to his seat next to him while other students that were running late came through the door. 

Guess he'd have to ask again later. 


When lunch break came around, he was heading towards the lunch room with a mission in mind, he was gonna ask Sakuya for everything he knows in hope he could help, but he was stopped by a tug of his shirt. Surprised from the shock of it, he turned to ask what the person needed, but he was surprised that it was Kuro! He was able to make it today!

"Kuro! You made it! Why didn't you text me that you were here!" Mahiru quickly turned to hug the older boy, to whom in turn, hugged him back. "I did, an hour ago and I'm sure you were in class. Hyde and Tsubaki took me to the hospital to get me better faster so we can come for a half day at least, I can't afford to miss anymore full days or I'll fail and be unable to graduate. So I'm fine enough to attend for the week, I just can't do anything strenuous." Kuro told him as he patted his head to reassure him that he was fine, and Mahiru was glad for it. "I'm just glad you're okay, I was really worried! But at least they took you to get better, but let's go eat, I'm sure you're hungry and I'll make sure you won't do anything too strenuous, okay?" Mahiru pulled away to look at the taller male in front of him, who nodded in agreement to him. "Alright, but yeah, I only had a bit of breakfast, so I'm hungry. Let's go." Kuro told him as he took his partner's hand to lead him to the lunch room. Mahiru didn't mind it and squeezed his hand into Kuro's, smiling at the fact that Kuro didn't mind having his hand held like this. 

"Hey Kuro...I have been meaning to ask you something..." Mahiru starts as they near the entrance of the lunch room. 

"What is it?" He replies. 

"Can you tell me about how you got sick?" 


[A/N]: Here you go!~ :> finally getting into the deeper side of this fic xd goddamn, but I have been staying up til 6-7am for the past three days and oversleeping til 4pm, so hopefully this was okay cause I was sleep deprived for most of this and I was busy trying to do egg hunts on Roblox xd yes, I am 24 and I play Roblox, you can add me, the name is Hyueon :> Come play with me~ 

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