No Homo? Fuck That.

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A.N// This is set pre-Squip bc why tf not??

"FUCK!" Jeremy yelled as a 'Game Over' screen appeared.

He and Michael had been trying to beat level 9 of their favorite game 'Apocolypse Of The Damned' for what felt like an eternity. 
Michael sighed and ran a hand through his hair "Play again?" He asked hopefully, looking over to his best friend of 12 years, his eyes lingering just a bit too long.

"Hell yeah." Jeremy replied simply, flashing a smile at Michael as he pressed 'Restart'.

Jeremy was entirely emersed in what was on the screen, while Michael's thoughts were elsewhere as he glanced over at Jeremy again.

Little did Jeremy know, Michael was insanely gay for him and had been for years. Just about everyone except Jeremy knew. It was so blatantly obvious, the pining gazes when Jeremy wasnt paying attention, the way Michael seemed to tense up with jealousy whenever Jeremy talked about Christine or anyone else he had taken an interest in.
"Mikey?" Jeremy asked, snapping him back to reality. Michael had been staring at Jeremy for a few minutes now while his mind wandered and had just been caught.

Michael's face flushed a deep crimson and he tried to play it off "Y-Yeah? S-Sorry just was st-staring into space." Nailed it.

Jeremy chuckled sheepishly and felt a small blush creep onto his cheeks as well.

Michael fiddled with his thumbs and stared down at his hands.

"S-something wrong Mikey?" Jeremy asked.
"Its nothing."
"What is it?"
Michael mumbled something in response but it was inaudible.
"Forget it." Michael sighed, picking up his controller again. Jeremy suddenly put his hand on top of Michael's, causing them both to blush furiously.
"Dude thats really gay." Michael said chuckling nervously.

"Wanna know what else is gay?" Jeremy asked "This." He said and smashed his lips onto Michael's in a rush of adrenaline or stupidity...he couldnt really tell.

Michael gasped into the kiss and almost fell backwards, then melted into it, smiling against his lips after wanting to have kissed Jeremy for so long.

When they finally pulled away, both were insanely flustered and could barely form legible sentences.

"No homo?" Jeremy squeaked.
"You know what, fuck that." Michael said and kissed Jeremy again.

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