Music Man

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A.N// I'm (finally) going to be nice to my children in this one.This AU happens where the boyf riends havent met yet.

         Michael had been having an awesome day and was in a fantastic mood. The weather was lovely so he sat outside on his balcony and pulled out his ukelele. He started strumming "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley and hummed along happily. Suddenly he heard someone singing along with him.

Singing' don't worry 'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be alright
Singing' don't worry
'bout a thing
'Cause every little thing gonna be alright

Michael smiled brightly as he peered over the edge of the balcony to see who had been singing. He saw a tall boy in a striped shirt, the boy was on the skinny side and had these beautiful bright blue eyes that Michael immediately noticed.
"You like Bob Marley?" The boy yelled, smiling back at him.
"Hell yeah!" Michael replied and walked downstairs.
Not only was this guy insanely attractive, but he had an incredible singing voice and an impeccable taste in music as well.
"I'm Jeremy." The boy said and offered his hand.
They shook hands and began talking, both quickly realized they had a lot in common. Both loved Bob Marley, retro video games, music, slushies, and more.

Jeremy pointed out the patches on Michael's sweatshirt and asked what they meant out of curiousity.
"Well the pac-man is just because I love retro games." Michael explained, pointing to each patch as he told Jeremy what they meant. "This one is because I'm a Filipino. Then the rainbow flag is 'cuz I'm gay." He said with a dorky grin.
"You're gay? That's gr- I mean u-uhm th-that's  cool 'cuz I'm bi." Jeremy stammered awkwardly as an evident crimson blush creeped onto his face.
Michael smiled mishieviously. "Well if you're bi and I'm gay, you really wouldn't mind if I did this?" He asked and pressed his lips against Jeremy's. Jeremy's face went bright red, as did Michael's as they pulled away.
Michael smiled innocently at him and waited patiently for his response.
"Yes- w-wait I mean uh n-no I-I dont mind. Th-that was good....L-Like really good." Jeremy stammered awkwardly.
Michael chuckled a bit, his face still tinted crimson.
This was the start of an adorable relationship.

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