We Deserve Much Better Than We've Had

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A.N// Welp I've done the somewhat realistic AUs time for something outlandish. This is going to be based on the song Gay Pirates that Ive mentioned in a previous AN. Dont be fooled by its light-hearted title that shit is heartbreaking. So this is where Jeremy is Cosmo and Michael is Sebastian. Mild trigger warning kinda violence

3rd Person POV//
"Throw 'em both overboard. Tonight." The captain ordered. The words rang in Jeremy's ears...he and the one he loved were going to be killed....simply for loving eachother.

Jeremy's POV//
       I know I'd recieved warnings from other people in the crew that they'd kill me if I looked at him once more, but why didnt I listen? I love him too fucking much. God, Michael, we deserve so much better than we've had. My mind went back to the sandals incident, the crew put glass in them so my feet would bleed. My punishment for loving him. They forced me to wear them or they said they'd make him pay. I just couldnt let them, so I wore the shoes. Suffered the anguish. Survived the agony.
For you, my love.
I'd do anything.

         I searched him out, finding him about to be beaten by some of the crew. I approached them and tried my best to fight 'em off.  Long story short, I lost.
    They left me bleeding on the deck then sauntered away as Michael looked at me with worried eyes.
     "I'm yours, y'know. And I'll love you still in hell."
I reminded him weakly, trying my best to crack a smile for my Michael. He cupped my cheek and we looked into eachother's eyes for what seemed like a long time considering time seemed to stop when it was just him and me.

3rd Person POV//

That is, until someone pried them apart and forced their hands behind their backs.
Ropes were taken out and tied tightly around their wrists, nearly digging into them.
Jeremy knew the time had come and they were about to be killed for simply loving eachother.
Michael was forced onto the plank first as Jeremy watched helplessly.
"I hope they didnt tie up your hands as tight as mine..." Jeremy mumbled out through tears that he tried to force back but couldnt.
"I'll see you on the bed of this blue ocean babe sometime."

Michael cracked a weak smile at Jeremy before squeezing his eyes shut and stepping off the end of the plank.
Tears flowed more rapidly as Jeremy was forced onto the plank.
"We deserve much better than we've had." He said as he looked into the waters below, took the step, and disappeared beneath the waves.

AN// I'm sorry for this honestly.

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