Please Remember

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A.N// Its been too long since I updated I know but surviving is difficult sometimes. Remember how I promised this would be fluff? Ha nope. Anywayss, so small lil update thing I have a fucking girlfriend. Yes. This hoe. Right here. Somehow managed to find someone to stand her. I could go on and on for years on end but I'll just get into the fic since that's probably what you came for *finger guns*

        ", no please" Jeremy begged, hot tears rolling steadily down his cheeks as his arms were pinned behind his back. His heart caught in his throat as he was held tight. Forced to watch Michael, the one he loved, being dragged away by large men in black suits. He knew a time would come where the consequences of what he did would come back to haunt him...but didn't realize it would come so soon. When they were so unprepared, they had simply been playing videogames in Michael's basement and laughing at whatever came to mind.
It suddenly dawned on him.
This was all his fault.
Michael shouldn't be being punished, it was his own fault.
He did this.

*5 months prior*

Jeremy's POV

What do you do when your crush since middle school agrees to go out with you but you only tried convincing yourself you had a crush on said person to hide your feelings for your bestfriend?
You panic internally, nod, and smile. That's what you do.

Christine Canigula...bubbly, bright, and perfectly imperfect.
A theatre geek from all perspectives.
And the seemingly perfect way to hide your major gay crush on your best friend.
I had come to terms with it months ago when I almost drowned at the community pool and Michael gave me CPR....things kind of clicked after that.
Then there were those dreams about Michael having a tai- anYWAYS

Uhm so...Christine right-yeah.

Everyone is assigned a soulmate by the government. That's how things work.
Christine mine.

How it works is when you draw something on yourself or something to that extent, it'll show up in your soulmate.
Michael happened to draw a dick on my hand while I wasnt paying attention, then in English when I was totally staring at Christine, sitting in front of me, and not Michael who sat in front of her, I saw an identical piece of genital art on her hand in the exact place mine was.
I thought it was a coincidence until the next day when the quotes
"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise ~ Les Mis"
"HIGHLIGHT OF YO*smudged writing* OU*more smudged writing* MY LIFE STARTS AT SEVENNNNN" (yes with 5 n's)

and possibly my most solid piece of evidence;

"Pick up LED heelies from Spencer's tomorrow @ 5"

Christine and Michael are the only ones I know who wear heelies and sadly nothing I ever drew on myself showed up on Michael.
Believe me, I checked.
He even caught me a few times, looking from my arm that held a small doodle to his, then back to mine.
He asked if I had gotten high without him.

I had replied with a defeated sigh
"Nope. Just checking something again."

I had fallen in love with my best friend. And he wasn't my soulmate.
When Christine agreed to go out with me, I should've been thrilled because
'Oh joy. My soulmate agreed to be my boy/girlfriend.'
Not me.
My heart sank and my hopes were unintentionally crushed under her LED heely.

After only a few days, I broke up with her.
Christine is a great person, don't get me wrong. But it didn't feel right. Maybe it was because it was my first relationship ever. But it was more likely due to the fact that I didn't want to be with Christine.
I wanted to be with Michael.

I yukked it up a bit to Michael to earn me a hug or two. I swear I'm not really that deceptive, but you haven't lived unlesss you've been hugged by Michael Mell. Some things ended up leading to other things and then we were kissing by some miracle.
What I'd wanted to experience again since the day I nearly died.
But he wasn't my soulmate.

3rd Person POV

That brings us to today.
The government is in control of soulmates and the creation of such. So when someone leaves their soulmate, they're immediately alerted.

Jeremy Heere was an offender.
Armed officials burst into Jeremy and Michael's shared apartment. You'd think maybe it would be a civil discussion over the phone or a warning email to alert the offender to return to their soulmate.
Well they had tried, but Jeremy continued to dodge emails and phone calls, as if covering his ears and squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to enjoy time with Michael, his boyfriend.
They burst in and detained both boys, dragging Michael off to the other room to fully explain what would be happening.

Jeremy was told that his punishment was not death, physical injury, prison, or any combination of those listed, yet it was the worst torture of them all.

Michael's memory would be wiped and replaced with fake memories of a life he didnt live.
A life in which Jeremy wasnt a part of.
Then sent far away.

As this was being explained Jeremy begged and sobbed for them to leave Michael out of it because it wasnt his fault.
They wouldnt listen.

*1 year later*

Jeremy's heart skipped a beat.
There he was.
Michael Mell.
After an entire year of searching, there he was, in Arcade Odyssey in Florida, looking as angelic as ever, laughing with people he only knew because of what Jeremy had done.
Although these thoughts flooded his mind, Jeremy's smile failed to falter.
He had finally found him.
He felt his body moving, his feet having a mind of their own.
"Michael!" Jeremy yelled with a grin.
Michael turned with a confused expression on his face. Something about the strange man calling his name seemed familiar in the strangest way...maybe he looked like an actor or something? And yet, curiousity got the better of him.

"Who are you?"

Those words.
That simplistic 3-word phrase.
It made him stop dead in his tracks.
Michael didn't remember him.
Of course he knew he wouldn't remember but Jeremy thought that if he could find him maybe, just maybe it would trigger something and he would remember.

"Y-You don't- Michael it's me! Jeremy! We got seperated a year ago because something with me leaving Christine to be with you and they said you wouldnt remember but I found you! I fucking found you! You have to remember. Please Mikey, you said you loved me, please
remember me."

Michael's brows furrowed as the man in front of him broke down in tears and desperately begged him to remember something.
'You said you loved me'
He didnt remember ever doing that, saying it to anyone...ever, really.
This person seemed somewhat familiar but no, he must've been confused or intoxicated.

He shook his head.
"You have the wrong person....
I don't know who you are."

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