LIT (Tag thing??)

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Okay so this isnt a real update really so if you're not intrested in me, go ahead and leave  (also I'll try to update soon ❤)

Tagged by _Michael_is_heere why must you do this to me?

1. Title must be "LIT"
2. You can't refuse
3. You must do it this week
4. Tag 15 people
5. No replying to comments
6. Write 13 facts about yourself.

Alright kiddies strap in.

I have 3 siblings: two older one younger
I'm a raging bisexual
My current obsession is Falsettos (aka still greiving my love Whizzer)
My Hogwarts house is Slytherin
I suck at drawing but I do enjoy it
I hide in my room all. fucking. day.
I use the phrase/word/thing "coolio" way too much
I'm insanely insecure
I sexually identify as a disappointment (also a female but whatever)
I'm antisocial af
I can play "Do You Hear The People Sing" from Les Mis on the piano
My cat's name is Colby and he's a sassy little bitch so I relate and I love him
I now realize I still havent revealed my name and I'm just going to keep it that way oooh mysterious but not really

Yay I did it now for the sad part where I tag 15 friends that I dont have

Im lonely so three will work

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