Michael In The Bathroom

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A.N// This hurts me because Michael is my child and he deserves the world but for some reason this had to happen. 

Michael's POV//

"Get out of my way loser."

The words echoed in my head as I leaned against the tub. Maybe hiding in the bathroom at a huge party like this wasnt the best idea, but I couldnt let anyone see me like this. People knocked on the door and yelled to be let in, I couldnt hear them over the thoughts in my head that screamed at me. Tears streamed steadily down my face as it kept repeating. Over and over again. After twelve years of friendship. Twelve years of only having him to rely on. No one else. No one else cared. No one else bothered to socialize with a loser like me.....you know maybe he's right.

Maybe it's just me.
I'm the problem.
It's my fault.....

Now I've been crushed and left behind.

"I wish I was never born." I mumbled to myself as the tears and stifled sobs continued. "Or offed myself instead." But no, I'm just a loser and too much of a coward to actually do it.

I looked back on everything that had happened and realized....maybe its just not my Jeremy anymore. That Squip thing....its too powerful, he doesnt really want me out of his life....does he? Shut up Michael. You're in denial. Of course he doesnt want you, why else would you be here right now?

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were red and puffy, my hoodie had tears on it, and there were obvious tear tracks. I had come here to just talk to him...my- no...he's not mine. Fucking stop it Michael he doesnt even like you as a friend....not anymore.
I splashed some water on my face and tried to collect myself, pulling my hood up over my head as I noticed the voices from outside had stopped. I kept my head down as I opened the door and walked out.
"Awesome party I'm so glad I came."

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