Pinky Swear

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A.N// I know I've been terrible at updating let me live. Also its 2am but yesterday was my birthday so yay that's pretty fuckin cool. Anywaysss so in this the boyf/riends are already dating. (It will be blatantly stated in like, a few sentences but w h a t e v e r) ALSO THIS IS FLUFFY AF AND ITS SUPER CUTE THANK YOU

Michael scrambled around, making sure he had everything packed. He had been planning this special date for Jeremy for weeks and everything had to be perfect. He decided to go with the adorabley cliche of a picnic under the stars.

Sandwiches - check
Water bottles - check
Chips - check
Weed - check

Michael double checked his list to make sure he had everything then set out to the old local playground and waited for Jeremy.
So what if he was maybe half and hour early.
Eventually Jeremy arrived and immediately Michael's face lit up as he raced over to him, enveloping him in a hug.
Jeremy found Michael's enthusiasm absolutely adorable.
When they pulled away Michael grinned dorkishly and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. He then raced off to the swings with Jeremy in tow.
Jeremy chuckled as he willingly followed.
They sat on the swings as Michael pointed up at the sky, acknowledging how amazing the stars were in the night sky.
Jeremy smiled as he gazed lovingly at him, noting how the constellations danced in his beautiful brown eyes as he gazed at the sky.
Sure, the stars were pretty,
but to Jeremy,
Michael was so much more gorgeous than all the stars in all the galaxies of the entire universe, and nothing could ever compare.
When Michael tore his eyes away from the night sky, he looked at Jeremy, gazing lovingly back at him.
They both smiled brightly.
They were simply so very happy, enjoying eachothers company and perfectly content with their current situation.
"Promise me we'll stay like this forever?" Jeremy asked.
"I promise."
"Pinky swear?"
Michael chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully before reaching towards Jeremy's swing, his pinky extended.
"Pinky swear." He confirmed as they linked pinkies and stared up at the sky together, never seperating.

*transition to years later*

"And do you Jeremy Heere, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest officating the boys wedding asked.
"I do." Jeremy replied, his hands clammy from nerves.

Michael smiled brightly at him and held out his finger.
"Pinky swear?"

People in the pews chuckled but Jeremy's face lit up (like a Christmas tree *still crying over TFIOS I'll leave now*) and if his smile could possibly widen, it did.
"Pinky swear." He confirmed, linking their fingers together as the priest announced
"You may now kiss the groom."
Jeremy pressed his lips to Michael's, physically unable to contain his happiness.
Everything was perfect.

A.N// Hope you enjoyed, strap in kiddies the next one is gonna be angsty

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