As Petals Fall

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A.N// yO HO SEBASTIAN. I WANNA LOVE YOU GOOD. WE DESERVE MUCH BETTER THAN WE'VE HAD. Sorry I'm obsessed with this song and it hurts me inside :')
(Gay Pirates by Cosmo Jarvis) (not spons) (I fucking wish) Anyways, about the story. I'm going to be cruel again with this angst whoops. Michael has the Hanahaki disease. Trigger warning kind of? If you dont like blood just dont read it.

"Why try to be cool when you can be~" Michael started.
"Signing up for the play!" Jeremy interrupted.
"I was gonna say getting stoned in my basement but uh~"
"No look who's signing up for the play! Christinneeeee." Just as he had said her name, Jeremy fell into a daze.
Michael watched helplessly as he gazed at Jeremy, gazing at Christine.
No no no
Michael thought to himself as he felt petals build up in his throat, he covered his mouth and ran off to the bathroom.
Scarcely had he burst through the door and stumbled his way into a stall, Michael vomited up flowers and blood. It stung his insides and every part of him ached. But it was possibly less painful than the thoughts running through his head that Jeremy would never want him...
Again, flowers and blood erupted from his throat as tears streamed down his face.
He shook his head and wiped the corner of his mouth on the back of his sleeve, cleaning himself up and daring to face the world again.
Good morning time to start the day.

*after school*

Jeremy raced up to Michael as he walked home, joining him for the short trek.
"Hey Mikey are you alright? You seem kinda...well miserable." He said bluntly, but had genuine concern in his eyes.
"I'm fine." Michael mumbled, barely audible. He quickly wiped away a small stream of blood coming from the corner of his mouth.
"You can't lie to me buddy." Jeremy said in a light-hearted, joking tone. The simple words seemed pleasant enough, but after everything that had happened to him, Michael's emotions were on full display as the word echoed through his mind.
Buddy. Thats all I'll ever be to him.

Michael looked around. No place to hide. No place to run.
He was forced to just choke back the flowering pain inside him.
It was pure, unexplainable, agony.

Jeremy scanned his face, seeing his pain plastered clearly.
"Mikey seriously, whats wrong?" He asked again, his tone laced with worry.
"Its nothing you need to worry about." Michael said bitterly, pulling up his hood to hide the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Listen I have to go." He said and quickly walked off, heading home where he would ultimately collapse into sobs, blood, and petals.

Jeremy may have been a blind idiot, but he could see there was obviously something wrong. He asked around, finally getting some answers from someone he normally ran away from. Rich Goranski. Rich told Jeremy that Michael had barreled into the bathroom and puked up blood, and when he had gone to see what the hell had happened, there was a single flower petal on the ground.

Puking flower petals and blood? This sounds like My Little Pony was mixed with Apocolypse of the Damned. It doesnt make sense. Jeremy's head spun with the pieces of the complex puzzle, nothing he could rack his brain to come up with made sense.
To the internet.
"Haka-hanti? Hana-hackey?" Jeremy struggled with the pronunciation but it seemed to fit Michael's situation fairly well but what was up with the cause? Unrequited love? But wh- oh my god....
What have I done Jeremy asked himself and dialed Michael's number quickly, but no answer. Michael had already made his decision.

Cut away the pain and cut out my heart with it.

Michael couldnt feel anymore. But that meant he couldnt hurt anymore either.

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