Soap Suds

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A.N// Ive been awful about updating sorry. Also I owe y'all some fluff. I apologize for killing Michael, although I'm not exactly sorry. Angst is my lifeblood. Anywaaays so yeah fluff. Side note: Tuck Everlasting is gr8888 188392% reccomend.

Michael was washing dishes in the kitchen at around 9:30, assuming Jeremy had gone to bed.
That assumption was proved wrong as his drowsy boyfriend came up behind him, wrapping his arms around Michael's waist and resting his head on Michael's shoulder.
Michael smiled to himself and began to hum contently as he washed the dishes and enjoyed Jeremy's company.
Michael then smirked to himself and took a handful of soap suds and placed it onto Jeremy's hair.
By this point in time, Jeremy was wide awake as he looked up and scoffed.
Michael giggled as he turned back to the dishes.
"Wow what a comedian. You think this is funny don't you?" Jeremy said in a jokingly accusing tone of voice.
"Oh, but that's where you're wrong darling." Michael cooed sweetly."I happen to find this absolutely hilarious."
He said bursting out laughing as Jeremy shook his head, chuckling to himself.
"Two can play at that game Mikey."
He said as he took some suds and wiped them on Michael's face, bubbles covering his nose.
"Asshole." Michael said laughing as he wiped away the bubles and reached for the detatchable faucet, spraying Jeremy with it and getting water all over.
Jeremy squeaked in shock at the sudden cold water being sprayed at him, he grabbed the faucet away from Michael, then sprayed him back, giggling madly.
Eventually, there was water all over everything and both boys were sopping wet.
Jeremy sighed with a small chuckle and wrapped his arms around Michael's waist.
"I think I won." He said smugly.
Michael shook his head and smiled, bending down slightly to whisper in his ear.
"How could you possibly have won when I have the best prize. You." Michael said sweetly.
Jeremy's cheeks flushed as he cupped Michael's cheek and kissed him.

(They probably had gay butt secs afterwards)

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