The Saddest Fucking Squipped AU

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A.N// Its another angst. I'm sorry. Writing this hurts me just as much as it hurts you.

That was it.
He had decided.
Michael had gone home after breaking down at Jake's Halloween party and made the decision to get a Squip.
Michael knew it was the only way to get Jeremy to be his friend again.
His decision was final.

He quickly thought of ways to earn money to buy it. Doing chores, mowing lawns, not buying as many slushies, and sometimes skipping lunch.

Finally, he got enough money to buy a squip from Rich. Surprisingly, some small, unsquipped, part of Rich's mind felt bad for this dorky, desperate kid in headphones and gave him a discount.

Michael walked home with the squip in his pocket, wondering if this really was the best decision then reminding himself of what Jeremy had said- what he had called him. A loser. Thats all he thought he was. This pill was going to change that.

Michael sat in his basement, a can of Mountain Dew in one hand, and the squip pill in the other. He looked down at the pill and turned it over in his hand. No one knew this, but Michael absolutely hated taking pills, it disgusted him. It also quite frankly creeped him out that something would go into your system and dissolve then somehow magically fix everything.

He thought about how much he hated taking pills for a while, then shook his head.
Stop stalling loser. He thought to himself.
Michael squeezed his eyes shut then popped the pill into his mouth, taking a large swig of Mountain Dew and physically cringing as it went down.

He waited for a bit, playing some Apocolypse Of The Damned to try and distract himself from what he had just done. Michael looked over at the beanbag next to him and the controller Jeremy used to use....the thought of it physically hurt him. That's not exactly what was hurting though.

Callibration in proccess. Please excuse some mild discomfort.

Michael seized up and started shaking and sobbing due to the pain. He pulled up his hood and squeezed his eyes shut until it was over.

Michael Mell...
Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Proccessor,
Your Squip.

Michael looked up and saw a figure standing over him. His eyes widened with shock and he was about to stammer something unintelligent when the Squip spoke.

Stop. It commanded. So what'll you voice setting be?
It asked with a smile that sent chills down Michael's spine.

"S-Setting?" Michael stammered.

What you see before you is my default mode. You can also set me for Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, or Sexy Anime Female.

Michael's look of fear and shock morphed into a dorky smile. "Cool." He said in awe. "How about the Anime Girl."
Just for kicks.
Before him, the Squip's image morphed into just that.
Michael erupted into a fit of giggles.
"This is awesome!" He said happily.
Michael smiled and laughed and everything was good...
until it wasn't.
With a sickening grin and a malicious-sounding chuckle the Squip said
By the way, if this program is going to work, you have to give up on the dream that Jeremy will ever be your friend again.
"W-wait what? Th-Thats impossible." He stammered
I assure you. This is the only way.
"B-But that's the whole reason I got you!" Michael yelled.
Everything will be fine. Just think of how many attractive girls you'll be able to get now that you're not in Jeremy's shadow anymore.
Michael chuckled sarcastically "Cool. But I'm gay."
We'll fix that. Gays are never popular in high school. Now, let's get to work. Take off that disgusting sweatshirt.
Michael frowned and hesitated slightly, but did as it said and took it off, throwing it on the floor next to him.
Now throw it away.
"Th-Throw it away?! That sweatshirt has gotten me through some tough shit man!" Michael protested. In response the Squip simply shocked Michael to which he winced and reluctantly tossed his beloved hoodie in the garbage.
And those horrendous skates.
Michael opened his mouth to protest, then closed it, knowing if he protested he would get shocked again.
He added his skates to the trash.
Last thing to go, the headphones.
He looked away and threw them in, not being able to look at his entire past and personality that was simply thrown away.

A.N// Sad-ish ending, will be adding Part 2 with lovely angst and tears.

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