The Saddest Fucking Squipped AU Pt.2

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A.N// Look at me doing what I promised....writing this at 2am....when I should be asleep....oh well.

The Squip had been commanding Michael to stop getting stoned in his basement as an after-school activity and start getting high in between classes. Michael was told that it was cool to get stoned during school; it showed casual indifference.

Once in a while, Michael saw Jeremy passing in the hallway. Neither of them spoke to eachother, until one day things changed.
Michael gathered up his courage and approached Jeremy, clearly stating a friendly "Hi".....
To which he got no response.
Michael's squip cackled at him and mocked him continuously.
I didn't block Jeremy from your field of vision to see if you had gotten over him, but appearently that's not the case. You weak, stupid boy. Don't you want to be popular?

When Michael went home that day, while in his room, his eyes drifted to a t-shirt that Jeremy had given him forever ago. He smiled slightly, but behind that small smile there was so much pain.
Burn it. The Squip commanded.
Burn it. Burn everything you and Jeremy ever shared. Shirts, ticket stubs, photos...everything.
Michael hated to do it, but he did it anyway.

After it was done,
Michael locked himself in the bathroom
for the second time that year.
He hated himself
for the second time that year.
He heard voices screaming at him
for the second time that year.
But this time....
His hatred is slowly replaced by comfort as the voices....
his voices....his voice.....his Squip's voice, tells him not to worry, to forget Jeremy, that he had come so far and that
I'm so proud of you Mike.
The Squip's Anime Girl voice slowly shifted to that of his father's voice. Rather than reassuring him, all it did was fill Michael with dread, because his father would never, ever say any of that.

That was his breaking point.
Michael knew he had to get rid of the Squip. He failed time and time again trying to get it out. Finally he just had to quiet it with something.
So Michael turned to drinking.
He didnt like it very much, but it turned the loud screaming taunts inside his head into whispers.

One day, his dad mentioned that Jeremy stopped by to borrow some, what was it, 'Mountain Dew Red?'
The next week, Jeremy visits again, this time looking to see Michael.
Michael sat in his basement, staring at a wall when Jeremy came down and stood near him. Jeremy stumbled over himself apoligizing then proceeded to hug and thank Michael for having so much Mountain Dew Red at his house.
"It was the only way to shut my Squip off, can you believe it?" Jeremy explained. "No wonder they don't make it anymore. I had to have Jake hold me down and force me to drink it." He said with a small, forced, guilt-laced chuckle.
Michael didn't respond.
"Michael, are you okay?" Jeremy asked, confused.


Jeremy could only stare in horror as Michael, drunk out of his mind, without his red hoodie or his skates or even his glasses shrugged him off.

"Michael...?" Jeremy's tone was now broken and shaky as he went to place a hand on his shoulder, but Michael slapped it away.

Michael looked Jeremy dead in the eye as Michael's brown pupils change to an electric blue for merely a second as he whispered menacingly
"Get out of my way, loser."

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