Cool In College

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A.N// Congrats UrieWayStump04 for being the first to comment a prompt so this is a College AU and its gonna be coolio, they're already dating.

"We're finally here!" Michael squealed happily, looking up in complete awe of everything around him.
Jeremy smiled brightly.
College. Maybe I can be cool here without injesting a pill that takes over my life and almost destroys all of human civilization. Jeremy thought to himself as he looked over at Michael and grabbed his hand, tugging him along to their shared dorm.
Michael looked at the card that had the information they'd need to find their way and nearly doubled over in laughter.
"You're kidding. We're in dorm 420." He stammered breathlessly through fits of laughter.
Both boys struggled to stop laughing as they unlocked the door and looked at where they would be living together for the following few years.

*2 months later*

Jeremy groaned as he slammed his head against the desk.

"I give up. How did you ever manage to convince me this would be fun?" He asked Michael with a defeated sigh.

"We've been here for two months Jer." Michael said bluntly. "Come on, you're just stressed. Take a break, take the edge off." He suggested, rubbing Jeremy's back.

Jeremy sighed and leaned into his touch.

Michael smirked to himself. "Come on Jer, you havent been this anxious since that night when we tried-"
"We do not speak of that." Jeremy interrupted, holding up his finger warningly.
Michael chuckled a bit, nudging his side playfully.

"Wait. Explain to me how you're not stressed as fuck." Jeremy said in disbelief, looking over at his amazing, yet all too extra boyfriend.
Michael shrugged in response.
"My professors are cool, the workload is mild, and I'm getting shit done, so I'm chill." He explained simply.

"How.....? I don't even have a social life this doesn't make sense."

Michael sighed then picked up Jeremy bridal style, moving him over to his bed.
"You're working too hard and it's getting to you. Why don't we do something fun for a while, de-stress a little?" He suggested.

Jeremy groaned dramatically. "Mikey, I don't have time for a break." He said sadly, running a hand through his hair.

"Pwease. For your favowite pewson?" Michael pleaded childishly, pulling his best puppy-eyes and sticking out his bottom lip.

His partner sighed and eventually gave in. "You're lucky you're so goddamn adorable." Jeremy mumbled with a soft smile, pecking Michael's lips. "So what did you have in mind?" He asked curiously.

"How does a road trip sound? We could stop back in Jersey for a little while, meet up with ye old gang." Michael said smiling excitedly, he had been wanting to suggest this to Jeremy forever, but never got around to it.
But it was the last day before their holiday and now they could actually do it.

Jeremy smiled dreamily, always wondering if Michael was even aware of how cute he was especially when he was explaining something he was excited or passionate about.
"I'd love that." He replied, kissing him softly.

*Time skip brought to you by Whizzer Brown's flaming homosexuality*

"Is that everything all set?" Jeremy asked as he closed the trunk of Michael's PT Cruiser.
"Yeah I think that's everything." Michael said, practically bouncing with excitement as he hopped into the car.
"Alright then." Jeremy said, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car. He pulled out of the parking lot and they started on their way.

"And our journey begins." Michael announced happily.
He looked to the radio and changed it to the Broadway station.
"Carrying The Banner" from Newsies happened to be just starting and Michael nearly squealed in excitement, almost causing Jeremy to swerve. (War flashbacks to angst)
He knew every single lyric to this song.
And if you thought he wouldnt try singing every single part at the same time, you were in for a rude awakening as he belted out the lyrics in your face.

Just giVe mE hAlf a cU-
Somethin' to wake me u-
Concreete don-
Its gettin' bad out there
Papers is all I got-
Its 88 degrees-
Jack says to change my spo-
wish I could catch a-
maybe its worth a shot-
All i can catch is fl-

Every. single. lyric.

It was like this for most of the trip with various musicals.
At one point Jeremy had to pull over and help calm Michael down because he was sobbing at the Epilogue of Les Mis.

They met up with the old gang consisting of a newly married Rich and Jake, (Brooke gave Jenna $10 after their announcement. She had bet in highschool they'd get married first), Brooke, Chloe, Their favorite uprising Broadway Star; Christine Canigula, and Jenna.
The night they were all together, they brought up just about every inside joke or hilariously cringey moment from high school.

Sadly, the trip had come to an end much too quickly for anyone's liking and Jeremy and Michael headed back.

Jeremy had fallen asleep in the passengers seat, his hair sticking up in strange places and a lazy smile across his unconscious face. Michael looked over at him and pulled over to just smile at his incredible, dorky, perfect boyfriend. He leaned over and placed a kiss softly on his forehead.

An amazing trip on all fronts.

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