There You Are

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A.N// Have you ever shrieked and like spasmed on the floor because your otp is just so fuckin cute? Yeah that'd be me because I've been binge-watching glee and Klaine has made my soul leave my body, so this chapter is going to be based on a Klaine moments thanks.

Jeremy's head ached as a painful flashback from the Squip incident only a week or so prior reminded him of how slowly he was recovering.
After they had gotten rid of the Squip, it had left Jeremy alone with his thoughts for quite a while and he took everything that had happened and sat in shock as realizations came pouring in.

He went on the date with Christine and it was....okay,
but he had expected something else.
Something more maybe...
But being with her just didnt feel right.
Jeremy had been chasing after her for years and now that he actually had her, it wasn't what he had expected at all.
He racked his brain for some sort of explanation, but everything he thought of resulted in the same memory.


Just Michael and him talking about how they would be cool together in college.
But that didn't make sense right? He wasn't gay for his best friend...was he?

His thoughts were interrupted by Rich tapping his shoulder.
"You alright man?" Rich asked curiously, noticing how Jeremy seemed to be kinda dazed.
"Fine." Jeremy replied dismissively, shaking off his thoughts.
They only returned when Rich shrugged then began talking to Jake again, they had just started dating and were extremely happy together. Jeremy drifted off into his own thoughts again, remembering what Rich had asked about Michael while they were both hospitalized.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

At that moment in time, Jeremy couldn't have put his fimger on why that one question gave him butterflies.
Then things became blurry as his mind transitioned to a fuzzy memory of Michael coming in and saving him.
Saving everyone.

Jeremy slowly returned to reality, everything having clicked, an understanding about what he felt.
Why it didn't feel right to be with Christine.
The unexplained butterflies.
And the reason he wasn't a mind controlled shell at that moment.


He quickly mumbled something about needing to leave and rushed to Michael's house, fidgeting with his hands after having knocked on the door.

Michael answered the door, smiling brightly.
"Hey Jer, how's it hangin'?" He asked smoothly.

"Michael I need to tell you something. Y-You see there's this moment when you say to yourself
'Oh there you are, I've been looking for you forever.'
And Mikey I-I uhm..." Jeremy began, finding his words caught in his throat.

Michael's smile grew.
"So does this mean what I think it means?" He mused.

Jeremy's eyes widened, and nodded vigorously. How was Michael so cool and level-headed about this?!

The truth was, Michael was internally screaming.
He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his best friend and gay crush of about 12 years was confessing to him at his doorstep. His heart hammered in his chest as he grinned like an idiot and tried to keep his tone steady.

They both stared at eachother for a few seconds of comfortable yet sickeningly tense silence before both boys closed the gap between them and kissed.

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