I Can See

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A.N// Just had an anxiety attack. I'm okay now thanks to some amazing people that I am forever grateful for. Snippet of my life: over. Now let's write some angst. This AU is where soulmates are born with opposite defects (ex: Person A born deaf Person B born blind) but when they meet its healed. If one of them dies, the other recieves both defects.

Michael was bopping along to his Bob Marley music that was blasting through his earbuds. He was enjoying his life despite being born blind and put at a disadvantage, but he managed and lived to the fullest.

Jeremy on the other hand had been born deaf and was managing just fine, although not many people understood his sign language and that was usually frustrating but he had gotten rather good at reading lips.

One day their paths happened to cross at a local videogame store, they were both reaching for a copy of "Apocolypse Of The Damned" and their hands accidently brushed.
"Oh sorry." Michael mumbled.
Then something curious happened...
The darkness that had clouded Michael's vision had suddenly cleared and Jeremy's ears were opened.
Both of their jaws went slack as they looked up at eachother.
"I-I can see!" Michael exclaimed.
Jeremy's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, the first voice he had ever heard was so angelic and he simply couldnt find words to describe it.
They both stared into eachothers eyes for what felt like a very long time as they instantaneously realized they just had met their true other half.
They were soulmates.

From that moment on, one was practically never without the other.
And after a few months of Michael helping him, Jeremy adjusting to speaking and hearing. Just as Jeremy did with Michael.
Their bond grew stronger each day and no confession was needed due to their obvious attraction to eachother.
Eventually they began dating and that escalated rather quickly into a full-fledged relationship that both halves were very content with. They cherished every minute with eachother and couldnt have been happier.

Slowly, they began to seperate. Not in a bad sense, simply not always having to be near eachother for every second of the day. Sometimes Michael stayed home while Jeremy ran out to buy groceries, or go out with friends and vice versa. Both were thoroughly enjoying their life together.

One day Michael had chosen to stay home while Jeremy went out to get groceries.
Something felt wrong....but Michael tried to brush it off and dismiss it as paranoia.
Suddenly, his fears were justified as on the other side of town Jeremy had gotten into a car accident.
His airbag failed and he died on impact.
Michael'd world seemed to collapse around him as the buzz of the telivison became softer until it was reduced to nothing. His vision began to cloud and darkened until there was nothing left.
"No." Michael said although he could no longer hear himself as tears streamed down his face.
His Jeremy was dead.

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