A Thousand Miles

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A.N// I dont even know if anyone reads these but oh well. The last one was very very angsty and I should be sorry for all the tears and emo-ness I caused but that's literature and if I can cause emotions then Im doing it right. But now of course I owe you some fluff so yeah here we go they're already dating.

Jeremy decided it would be a fun date idea to take Michael out for icecream and damn he was right. Towards the end of the night they were both in fits of giggles and were nearly in tears due to laughing so hard. It was just about perfect and they both thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
They finally decided to call it a night and started to drive home. Michael of course turned on the radio.
"A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton"
It announced.
Both immediately knew the song.
Well that was an understatement....
both knew
every fucking word
to the song.

Jeremy drummed his thumbs against the steering wheel, resisting the urge to break out into song because he didnt want Michael to think he was a dork...
The same went for Michael who fiddled with his thumbs nervously, not knowing what to do or say.

Both sat in silence, controlling their instincts.
That is,
until the best part.

The beats sounded and the silence between the two was broken.

They both burst into song
It was off-key shrieking, but they were having fun with it. After they finished holding out the word 'wonder' they both burst into fits of laughter.
When they eventually calmed down they looked over at eachother.
They were both breathless, happy and smiling brightly.
It was a good night.

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