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A.N// Its been too long and I owe y'all some fluff and I finally found a prompt (given to me by the lovely ConboiMcKinky  go check that goddess out she's a fantastic writer) so let's go

      Light poured in through the windows of Michael and Jeremy's small shared apartment. It was quite early in the morning and Jeremy's eyes had only just fluttered open. He smiled to himself at seeing the sleeping form of his boyfriend of 8 months cuddled up beside him with his arm lazily draped over his waist. He raked his hand gently through Michael's hair as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. In his sleep, Michael's lip curled up unconsciously in a drowsy smile. Jeremy hummed contently as he sunk back into the covers and cuddled up even closer to Michael, their legs intertwined as the sunlight cast a soft glow upon the lovers. Jeremy simply couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten. His thoughts travelled back to how awkward they had been when they first started dating and the stammering of flustered confessions before they were interrupted by a low gravelly voice coming from the boy next to him mumbling  "Morning Jer," his voice heavy from sleep.
          "Morning Mikey." Jeremy replied in a hushed tone, not wanting to disturb the quiet peaceful moment the morning had brought upon.
         Michael smiled drowsily up at Jeremy and held him ever so slightly tighter as he pressed a kiss to his lips with a content hum and Jeremy rested his head against Michael's chest.
        Not much was said as the two smiled softly to themselves and simply held each other. Real life could wait. Work could wait. Everything else was on pause. This moment, them being together and simply enjoying a quiet morning; that was all that mattered.

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